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Just joined JM

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  • Just joined JM

    Hello everyone,

    I want to take a minute and introduce myself but before I do I'd like to say this; Please overlook any awkwardness as I'm horrible at these kind of things. I'm having the same feelings right now that I do when I'm trying to write something down in someone's birthday card. I keep telling myself "don't say something stupid" so much that I fail to express what I really am trying to say. So, I'm just going to be myself and if you feel that I said something stupid or inappropriate keep in mind that it was probably not my intent, probably lol.

    I know that there are lots of forums out there but in reading some threads here people seem friendlier than most. No homo.

    I've been working out since 15 (now in early thirties) and have read from many different sites for many years educating myself on bodybuilding, nutrition, aas, etc. Even though I've been doing this for a long time I still feel like a beginner to be honest. Not saying I didn't learn anything, it's just that over time some things fade from memory and there is so much data out there.

    I'm currently about 6ft and 300 lbs. I'd like to lose about 40-50 lbs but I have a muscular build and most people are shocked when I tell them I'm that heavy. For reference my arms measure at 19 inchs cold and my waist at 45 inchs. Yes I know I need to lose wight but I have a shit ton on muscle. I actually used to be 400 lbs but I've lost 100lbs of fat over the last couple of years. I put on muscle (or fat if not working out) very, very, very easy. The area that I struggle with the most is leaning out, would love to lean out and am working hard at it. Also, I'm on legit trt from my doc and work in healthcare so I have some knowledge in those areas.

    Not sure where to go from here, I hate when people write wall text and now I'm doing it but at least I can add this:

    TLDR: Hi

  • #2
    Welcome aboard! Hope you reach your goal.


    • #3
      Thanks Stallion,

      Fat's coming off nicely and really liking what I'm seeing. Often I've wanted the lean genetics but once I learned to use what I have I really started turning my lemons into lemonade (to borrow the saying). I have not cycled yet but I honestly don't believe I need to right now. Besides the obvious higher than optimal bodyfat I'm gaining muscle and strength quite nicely while slowly leaning out. More concerned with quality of end results than the speed in which I get there.


      • #4
        Welcome to JM
        "Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind, and nourish with repetition and emotion, will one day become reality."

        NapsGear.Org - The Largest and Most Trusted!


        • #5
          Welcome. These guys are great. Make sure you spend some time reading these threads. Most of your questions will be answered there. I learned the hard way, but in the past couple weeks on here I have learned more than the past few months using the rest of the internet. Good luck in your journey. "WE LIVE IN INTERESTING TIMES MY FRIEND. MAY WE ALL FIND WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR."


          • #6
            Brother you got some large numbers there and sounds like you done this before.. Welcome to the boards. Yes we like to cut up here at times so don't take
            any ranks the wrong way and yes I'm the first to throw shit but its all in good fun. Keep the gains and trim the fat and hope we all can help.
            Building my self for a better tomorrow.


            • #7
              Thanks. Everyone has been really cool. I hesitate to give my stats because they are misleading (IMO) but I'll keep on making progress and if I feel good enough about where I'm in the future I may post some before and after pics, no promises though lol.
              Junior Member
              Last edited by D86; 07-09-2013, 03:36 AM.


              • #8
                Welcome aboard Bro.
                If you can't do it right, Don't do it!


                • #9
                  welcome if you need anything just pm me and we can talk welcome aboard jm


                  • #10
                    Welcome to the forum.
                    Go Hard Or Stay Home!!


                    • #11
                      Welcome! I hope you reach your goals... Bust your ass just as hard in the kitchen as you do the gym and it will be obtained!

                      I would say vote andromix, but it already won... even though mast was in the lead. Dangit!
                      NapsGear.Net - The Largest and Most Trusted!


                      • #12
                        hello friend.. welcome to the forum..

