Hello, and thanks for putting together a great site. I've lurked a little and been really impressed at some of the great advise. Just a quick touch on my stats: I just cracked the 50 mark and I'm not diggin' it at all. I used to have great control of my weight, but the last year of so things are getting much tougher. I'm a former college athlete. I'm 6'8" and hovering right around 285. I walk around closer to 265, but I've been in the gym a little more the last 6 months, so I've gotten a little thicker. I did a cycle about 5 years ago to jump start my assault on father time and really liked the results. I tried to maintain and did a fair job, but that really started to slip over the last 12 months so I'm going to fire back up again. I do NOT want to get crazy bulking. I can jump over 300 lbs in a blink, so I'm going to work more on getting hard and defining. Hopefully, I can get some of this love handle BS off along with it.
Any advice is appreciated.
Any advice is appreciated.