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This will be my Introduction -Tim

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  • This will be my Introduction -Tim

    I just read some of the other Intro's..... so I guess I will try to stay somewhat consistent. Which = random! because we are all very different people!

    My name is Tim,

    age 28, 5'-9.5" without shoes, and 200 pounds even.

    2 months ago I was 230 pounds. I lost my job, and the next day got a phone call. A job offer, which now has me working at home, making 4 times the amount I was making! (Engineer)

    Thank God for Facebook, and myself for posting an inappropriate story about the boss's Buddy! Oops!

    I finally have TIME! to become who I want to be. No more 12 hours slaving for the man. Drinking 8 cups of coffee and eating fat @ss donuts all day!

    People may not agree with my Theories of working out, but I have made a believer out of my first critic. The guy who owns the Gym. Who has been a Trainer and Strength coach for 35 years for Div1 and 2 colleges, football and basketball. He is awesome.

    I spend 4 to 5 hours a day at the Gym. 7 Days a week. Sunday being mostly cardio, and my invention days. Where I create new workouts and try new things.

    Workout 1 I do 2 hours of cardio, and 3 hours of a Full body workout using Heavy weights. Drop sets (start with heavy, next set lighter, and so on) 10,10,10,10.

    Workout 2 Same thing! Full body workout again?, the next Day Tim? Yes! EXCEPT. I use light weights, high reps. I also use different exercises. But its all same muscles. Still drops sets, but 20,20,20,20

    Go ahead. Beat me down, and tell me how I am screwing up Big! and how hard headed I am.

    and Ill just keep getting Big! and hard!


    PS, don't take me the wrong way. I came here for advice on a lot of different things that I seriously need some schooling on. ie: Diet, Juice, PCT and a lot more.

    But I am happy with my workouts. I know how to analyze my own Body. I know when the CV axles are clicking and when the thermostats clogged up.

    I do love for people to advise me on new workouts. I always try everything. I just don't like when people tell me my workout is stupid, when I know I have gotten better results from it.

    I love everyone...I have big heart.

  • #2
    Welcome Tim - hey if it works for u keep at it.
    The whole body workout has been a great starter routine for many years and many Vet's revert back to it from time to time for a brake or boost.

    Ur lucky w the Job my Unc has been out for close to 1 yr - Mech Engineer
    "GYM + JUICE"


    • #3
      welcome Tim. how long have you been training? i know you said 2 months ago you were out of shape but have you worked out before then?



      • #4
        Big Tim!!! Whats up brother. Welcome to the board. These guys are great and you'll find some good info in here from experienced vets to newwbie mistakes! Take it all in and pass along your experience. Most of us are guys that just care about our health and want to do things in a responsible way. Good luck!
        "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


        • #5
          wellcommmmme brudda .. good to have you!


          • #6
            Too each his own Tim, I like the routine. Welcome aboard some good peeps with a great knowledge base.


            • #7
              Yes, I have always worked out. Having just a Bench Press and the ability to do push-ups. And an Ab-Wheel.

              My entire life, I have been sort of barrel chested. Big chest, Huge upper abs. From ab wheel. Good size triceps from close grip bench. Arms were always smaller, but easy to swing fast =)

              May, 2011, I started big, and went 7 months Solid. 5 days a week. I did slack on the cardio. The last two months being Natural.

              I did not focus on much bench at all. I kept low weight high reps for stuff that was already there like the chest, triceps, and abs. Built what was not proportionate doing drop sets with heavy weight 10,10,10,10 and sometimes at the end I would do a low low weight until failure. Like a 10 pound curl. 30 or more times! lol. Just to feel that burn.

              after 7 months, I admit. I was almost proportionate and looking good. I quit. For 6 months, I gained about 30 pounds. started back 4 months ago. the first 2 months being natural. I did no cardio those first two months. So these last 2 months, I have lost the 30 pounds doing cardio, and better diet. Juice forces a good diet.

              If one currently had whats listed below, what would he do with it? I made thread in PCT with questions.

              cut mix testP, trenA, & Mast. 2250 mg total
              Equip 1000 mg total
              Anavar 300 mg total
              Letrazola 300 mg total
              some extra test P 3000mg total
              also, some left over Nolva about 400mg

              I just posted a new thread for advice on all of this in the PCT area. One currently only brave enough for 300 mg of cutmix and 150 mg of extra test P per week.

              not sure what one will do with the rest of that other stuff. I did have a plan. Which is a reply to the thread I made in PCT.

              See all the details, + second post below it. Check out what I had planned. Let me know what you guys think.
              Junior Member
              Last edited by TimZilla; 10-05-2012, 08:28 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ODB View Post
                Welcome Tim - hey if it works for u keep at it.
                The whole body workout has been a great starter routine for many years and many Vet's revert back to it from time to time for a brake or boost.

                Ur lucky w the Job my Unc has been out for close to 1 yr - Mech Engineer
                Yes. I am fortunate to be in NC. The Economy here is great on the East Coast.

