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first time post

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  • first time post

    My stats
    Age 38
    6? 2??
    245 lbs
    17% BF

    Next cycle
    D bol week 1-4 40 mg ED
    Test E week 1-12 (150 mg) EOD
    Tren Ace week 5-12 (75 mg) EOD
    Adex week 1-17 (0.5 mg) EOD

    pct beginning wk 13

    Nolva 40/40/20/20/20

    Feedback is much welcome. I like to pin EOD because I like lower volumes and it seems to work for me. I have done dbol/test E cycles before but have not used tren, that is why I am using the short ester. My question is do I start the PCT 3 days after last Tren pin? I am a nutritionist so I got the nutrients in order.

  • #2
    Good idea to take the shorter Tren ester, it can have some nasty sides in some people. If you are one of them at least it will subside quickly with ace ester. You are taking Tren Ace and Test E both in week 12 so the tren will leave your system sooner than the test. So i would wait until the test levels have decreased. I would say start PCT around 2 weeks after your last test shot. Thats what i would do anyway.


    • #3
      Thanks for the advise. I will start in December and keep the group posted. I am expecting great gains.


      • #4
        yea thats a solid cycle.. welcome bro


        • #5
          welcome to JM, bro


          • #6
            Welcome to JM!


            • #7
              Welcome. Stay in touch with a good doctor

