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My introduction

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  • My introduction

    Hello everyone. I'm college student in the USA working on my MBA. I am currently studying and boxing as a amateur at the same time. Looking to jump back on some gear to gain some nice lean muscle while I don't have any fights set. Looking into anavar, but would love some insight on some people that have ran anavar only cycles. Looking to find out how the gains were, what dose, any pct? Pretty much anything.

    Well anyways looking forward to learning as much information from everyone on this forum.

  • #2
    What's going on I know you will learn loads here
    Never mistake kindness for weakness...


    • #3
      not to much! You? Looking forward to it, and hopefully placing an order from the sponsor on this site just trying to get more info on it.
      Thanks for the post!


      • #4
        btbam the best Thread to read is "ASK SAM1976" do a search for it. (then read it from 1st post to last).
        "GYM + JUICE"


        • #5
          Welcome to JM, and as for var only i would say no imo no cycle should be without test as with all new people to gear i would say test only for about 10weeks at 500mg a week pinning 250mg twice a week, and read up learn more lots of info on here and the ask sam1976 would be a grate start reading.


          • #6
            Thanks for post ODB and jimmy93. Definitely going to look into that post by sam1976, and get a better idea about everything.


            • #7
              Welcome to JM! Yeah Var is pretty mild but a Var only would actually suck!! Get some Test E or C and run like Jimmy says


              • #8
                will do thanks guys. What do you guys think about running test prop eod 100mg with 50mg var ED. Also, would arimidex be fine to run throughout or can I run 20mg nolvadex ED throughout the entire cycle?
                Thanks for all the information!


                • #9
                  Adex is fine to run thru cycle and Prop/var is good but I prefer 1 compound for first cycle so you can tell where any side effects are coming from. But thats a decent cycle and should be ok. Save Nolva for PCT, run adex On-cycle


                  • #10
                    Welcome to JM brother.

                    Plenty to read up and learn from here.

