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Newbie with questions....lots of questions

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  • Newbie with questions....lots of questions

    Quick intro.. OK maybe not so quick. My name is Shane. Male 36 years old 5'8" 200lb. I spent the greater part of the last 5 years driving a semi over the road. Not a healthy lifestyle. I got up to almost 250lb. I got a local job and hit the gym when I saw a picture of myself with jowls like a bulldog. I started eating clean and started slowly at the gym about 6 months ago with light cardio and the gym's generic circuit workout. I got in with a personal trainer after I felt a little more comfortable with starting down my new path. He put me on a pull day, a push day and a legs day, 3 days on 1 day off, cardio every day. We got my diet cleaned up further and I'm drinking water instead of soda. I lost almost 50lb and went from 29% body fat to 17%. I'm really pretty happy with my results. Well I was until my 18 year old showed me a picture of Jay Cutler....I'm familiar with bodybuilding and I think everyone knows Arnold, but I never thought someone who was only 5'9" could be Mr. Olympia. Now I know I'll never be Mr. Olympia but I'm positive I can get huge with a little guidance. I spoke to my trainer about getting more serious about size and after a brief education on body types I'm pretty sure I have good genetics. I think my gains have been great but I'm greedy... I want more. My most recent measurements are: Neck 18.5 inches, chest 48 inches, waist 32 inches, biceps 15 inches and so on. From what I've seen on napsgear the predesigned cycles are affordable and the basic starers mass pack or the beginners bulk cycle look to be almost exactly what my trainer was talking about. He seems like he knows his gear but I would love some input. Thanks

  • #2
    Best place to start is by reading and studying as much as you can this is not something you jump into, and quite honestly not something you should do after just six months of training. Study read and learn get a couple of solid years of training under your belt see what you can do naturally then when you've reached your genetic potential and have hit a plateau then you use supplements!
    By the way welcome to JM!


    • #3
      Sorry but...

      It's to hard to read for a small guy like me without some paragraphing.

      Hope you get advice in topic!


      • #4
        Welcome to JM! but i would say 6 months is not long enough to be thinking gear you need to try and get a solid 2+ years training imo, just read up and learn more!!


        • #5
          Welcome to the board.As the others have said,its too soon to be even thinking of aas.You are no-where near your natural growth limit yet.

          Best adice on getting huge is to continue to trian hard and eat healthy.Try as many different training styles as you can learn and find out what works best for you and what doesn't.Continue to add "quality" calories to your diet and you'll do fine.

          If you have been so up in weight as you were,gaining size will not be your problem.Gaining quality size will be,and that will only come from the proper diet and training.AAS is not the "magic" solution you think it will be.

          Good luck brother.


          • #6
            I would have to say that the chances of Shane waiting 2 years is slim to none. I know I didn't, and I see guys all over the web claiming to be in their 4th and 5th cycle, who look like they started exercising yesterday. At 36 yrs, I don't see anything wrong with a simple test cycle. For all we know, his test levels could be in the shitter right now, and the overall benifits. mental/physical could do wonders.
            It's just a small setback in a forward motion


            • #7
              Yeah well we all know he's not gonna wait but we have to tell him he should. The decision is his. But starting on aas so soon is not the best, even at 36, if his natural test is where it should be. I'm 37 and started with test cause my doctor put me on trt. But if he hadn't I would probably still be natural. All the ups and downs of getting it right and trial and error suck, thats why I said screw this and bumped everything up to bodybuilding doses, cause if I gotta be on it I might as well look like I want to!


              • #8
                I dont think anyone is saying wait 2 yrs but just training a little while and then jumping right into aas use is not the way to go.Its not that theres anything wrong in regards to his age,but there is also nothing wrong with maxing out on his natural potential first.AAS work best once you've reached your your limits,a way to go beyond what your body can reach naturally.Why jump right into cycling is all im saying?

                Do you think that you can continually make progress by changing your training? Especially at his early stage of the game? Absolutely.So why not take adavantage of that first.Another question to ask yourself is,do you think someone who is just starting with training and has that beginning knowledge about training and diet and starts using aas would make the same progress as a more experienced,knowledgeable trainer? Of course not.That kind of knowledge comes from experience.Knowing what exercises work best for you and which dont.What diet(calorie,protein,carb) intake works best for you.Trial and error is what will keep you making positive progress.Not taking aas with limited knowledge and experience.

                Just my opinion and at 36 you are in no way a kid and will do what you think is best.Im only offering you a smarter(IMHO) way to get to your goals.You said you have been making great results already,so why not stick with that for now? The old saying of " If it aint broken,don't fix it" holds true.

                This is a game of longevity brother and at 36 you want to play it the safest way possible.If your goal is to get big as you said,then I ask whats the rush? You'll get there with proper diet and training.By taking aas,you're intention is to what,get big now?And then what,lose it as soon as you come off?By making the slow,quality gains and keeping them over time,you're body and muscles will soon start to reset its "Natural" sizes and weight.Meaning that the longer you keep your gains,the more your body will begin to think that the new size you have is what you "should" be at and it will be easier to keep it there.Just as you were a lot heavier before with body fat,how easy would it be for you to get back to that? Very easy,because thats what your body thinks is "natural" for you.You're body will always try to keep an equilibrium of what it thinks is normal for you.Thats why crash dieting never works.Sure you lose tons of wieght in a short time,only to gain it back again and more even quicker.

                Anyway brother,I wish you luck in whatever you decide.This is a great board with lots of good info and knowledgeable people so read up and learn at the very least and decide from there.


                • #9
                  Welcome to the board! I know you are gonna do what you want but, I have to say this...... It takes most guys years to learn how their body reacts to training and diet, learn that first then look into gear. I myself have been training for 6 yrs and seriousely for 3. It took me the last 1 or 2 yrs to dial in my diet and now I have just started with gear.
                  I know, i know, everybody's different and you could be that rare exception but think hard before you decide to jump in right now.


                  • #10
                    Welcome to this great board


                    • #11
                      welcome bud. soooo wen reading you made it seem like you want to lose more weight.. but then u were talking about bulking stacks which is it.. just tell us your goals


                      • #12
                        Wow. Thank you for all of the replies. I guess I left out a whole bunch of info...I'll try to fill in the blanks a little more. When I said newbie I really didnt mean I've never hit the gym before, I meant that I have never gone beyond "natural". I started working out in high school, as I'm sure many before me have. After high school I began working in very physically demanding jobs such as construction and auto mechanics. Always lifting always moving. I stayed in good shape through the years. I went to work, and tried to get to the gym at least 3-4 days a week. I didnt do a "bodybuilding" routine, just trying to stay healthy. I've never been skinny, actually I'm kinda naturally bulky, usually kept my weight around 185. In 2004 I was laid off and the thought of only being paid about 40% of my normal paycheck and sitting around on unemployment really bothered me. I made the choice to take a 3 week truck driving course and started driving a semi over the road. Bad choice, well for me anyway. I was away from home for months at a time and a healthy lifestyle was put on the shelf for the all mighty dollar. No more gym and my diet went from clean to a 50/50 split of truck stop fast food and truck stop buffets. You all know what BUFFET stands for right??? Bunch of Ugly Fat F@@ckers Eating Together. I started drinking huge amounts of soda and rarely drank water. I drove a truck for over 5 years....I was finally offered a job as a mechanic near my house and stopped driving the truck. By then my weight had gone over 250 lb. I got settled back at home, cleaned up my diet ( lots of chicken and fish, lots of whole grain rice and pasta ) and started back to the gym, slowly at first and progressively got more aggressive. After about 2 months I got to the point where I felt comfortable enough with my body to recruit a trainer. He has helped me clean up my diet more and helped me a lot with my form and a routine that works for me. I got my weight down to 200lb so far. I know I still have some fat to trim but I can finally see my ab muscles again. I greatly appreciate the time and input each of you have given. After reading your posts I do agree, if it aint broke dont fix it. My family is proud of me for getting back into shape but when I mentioned steroids their responses were based solely on American news reports of "Steroids are Bad". They didnt have any comments based on fact. At least this site gives me an outlet for real info. I will stay natural for now and see how far I can get myself. I am still progressing, I still see new cuts in my arms, legs, chest and abs forming as I push harder. Thank you again and I will continue to educate myself on bodybuilding in general and how aas cycles work.


                        • #13
                          Crap I knew I'd forget something. My short term goals are to keep dropping body fat. My long term goals are to gain more quality mass. Lots of quality mass.


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the post again and the insight.

                            Its great to hear about your decision to keep doing what you're doing as it obviously has been working for you.Just keep going with it and stick around and read up and learn.This is a great place to do it.Once you learn as much as you posibly can about aas use,then you can make that decision.This is a dangerous game if not played properly and since its "your" body and helath at risk why rush it?

                            Please stick around and continue to be a part of this great board and post up your prgress as you go.I know everyone here would love to read about it and help with any advice you need.

