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Whats up guys?! Sort of a newbie, so I would love feedback.

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  • Whats up guys?! Sort of a newbie, so I would love feedback.

    I am newer to the whole "untested" side of bodybuilding. I competed as natural pro for 4 years and recently had to start TRT (160 mg test per week). I am looking into starting my first real cycle. I recently use Naps and acquired Primo, Boldenone, and Drostanolone. I was going to run the cycle as follows:

    Primo 300mgs weekly
    Drost 300mgs weekly
    Bold 300 mgs weekly
    Test cyp 400mgs weekly
    Letro 2.5 mg every day
    Arimadex 1mg 2x per week
    HCG .5 cc weekly (this is what the doc gives me)

    Thoughts would be appreciated. I am looking to stay relatively lean while managing to gain solid quality muscle. I was completing natty at 159lbs and in Nov of 2014 I started TRT at 160mg per week and competed even more shredded at 193lbs in april 2015. I feel I will respond well to lower doses and that the reason for the numbers above.
    Junior Member
    Last edited by Rdawgpump; 09-12-2015, 01:17 PM.

  • #2
    This is a first cycle??? If so, that's a lot of gear, 1300mg's a week??? Wow, you say these are low doses. Think about what your saying, your doing TRT at 160mg's a week and you want to do 1300mg's a week for your first cycle. A normal first cycle is 500mg's a week of Test Cypionate or Test Enanthate. IMO don't do this, a waist of your money, tone it down some, save some $$$. You'll get the same results with a lot less. Plus starting out with this much gear, you'll need to continue with the same amount as you go. Remember less is more, do some reading here before you spend the $$. If you already have the gear, then break it down into more cycles. jm2c
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    • #3
      Yeah when you break it down as a combined total its a lot. I was speaking of dosages of individual compounds being relatively low from what I have been reading. In your opinion should I start with just one compound and test cyp at 300 each weekly and add from there in the future?


      • #4
        Yes, I would, but you can use 500mg's per week (300mg's would not be enough) brokin up into two injections per week. I like to pin on Sunday and then again on Thursday, but you can do it on what ever days you'd like. So you would do 1cc on Sunday and then another 1cc on Thursday, for a total of 500mg's per week.
        Senior Member
        Last edited by MrBig; 09-13-2015, 01:15 AM.
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        • #5
          I really appreciate the advise. I did buy all of the compounds there was a good sale going on, but I can keep them for a while I would assume.

          Out of the 3 I purchased, which compound would you add first to the test cyp? Any particular favorite out of Bold, Primo or Drost?


          • #6
            Do your first cycle with the Test Cypionate, first. The Bold, you need to use that for a minimum of 16 weeks and need to use about 600mg's per week, so save that for way down the road. The Primo is more of a cutting compound than building. The Drost is also a cutting compound. I would say for your second cycle you can add the Primo or the Drost, to your second cycle with Test Cypionate.
            Senior Member
            Last edited by MrBig; 09-13-2015, 02:07 AM.
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            • #7
              He's right and 500mgs is a hefty dose believe me especially.if u compete as a natty u will explode because u already have everything as good as u can with diet anD training


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pestosterone View Post
                He's right and 500mgs is a hefty dose believe me especially.if u compete as a natty u will explode because u already have everything as good as u can with diet anD training
                Thanks man. I can't compete natty anymore because of the TRT. Just from that dosage I've gained about 30+lbs of muscle in 10 months. I wouldn't have believed anyone who said that before, but as I said at the start of this thread I competed natty at 159lbs and after starting TRT at 160mgs a week of Cyp I competed even better conditioned at 192lbs 6 months later in April.

