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Total hdl

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  • Total hdl

    Hi, guys I ran a cycle consisting of sust at 750 mgs a week equipose at 500 mgs a week for 16 total weeks the first four I kick tarted with dbol at 50 mg a week for 4 weeks and ends the last 4 weeks with anadrol at 50 mg a week. I got blood work done and my total hdl was 16 and my LDL I was told was fine but he was concerned about my hdl so I was prescribed niacin and prevastatin. Has any one seen there hdl go this low and I assume it was from the orals. Arimidex was also used as an ai. I normally Would not run this many orals on cycle but I figured there was a pretty good break inbetween. Has any one seen this happen before? Thanks!

  • #2
    Yes, I was in the same situtation. My Hdl was at 20 about 4 weeks into a cycle of test e at 600mg/week and dbol at 40mg/day as well as arimidex. In addition to low Hdl and near high Ldl that needed to be watched I went back a week or so later because what was really of concern was my high Ast. All said and done the second blood test like 10 days after stopping the dbol showed everything had returned to within normal range.

    How long after your cycle was the test done? Only way to tell for sure is to get bloods again.


    • #3
      Yes, AAS will most certainly effect your HDL, especially orals. Orals will lower HDL rapidly. As Onion noticed, after you discontinue them, things will improve. Sometimes it can take months though. Make sure that your getting enough dietary fiber and take a high quality fish oil, starting at 3g a day. Remember, its not just the orals that will effect your cholesterol, so you can and may still have issues on even an HRT dose of test, but it's the orals that will impact cholesterol quickly and dramatically
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