I'm curious what y'all have found while using this product? Dosage, dosage frequency, and it's effects. I plan on using with Test cyp and/or Primo.
My cycles have been injectable-only and fairly mild, along with my TRT.
Boldenone, Test Cyp, and Primo are my staples and I've had good results.
I am NOT prone to estro-sides with Test @ 600mg/week. I'm 5' 11", 195 lbs., 14% BF.
Oxan would be my first oral.
My cycles have been injectable-only and fairly mild, along with my TRT.
Boldenone, Test Cyp, and Primo are my staples and I've had good results.
I am NOT prone to estro-sides with Test @ 600mg/week. I'm 5' 11", 195 lbs., 14% BF.
Oxan would be my first oral.