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Naps Review Walk-through

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  • #16
    Don Mitchelle and Herc, both of you are banned. Unbelievable with the T/A talk.. READ THE RULES! The OP is the only one that followed them in his post..


    • #17
      Week 4 injection 1...good cut muscle definition is starting to show. i don't feel bloated which is a plus...still eating like a monster. got a nice massage was a great feeling especially when you have muscles to massage. recovery time from workouts are getting much faster...this test sure makes you feel like superman sometimes.


      • #18
        2nd pin of the 4th week. I will never pin before I go to bed again (for some reason it makes me less able to sleep) so in the morning is a better idea..wish I would of thought of this ealier. I am off the dbol completly as directed. My heart rate is faster than normal...don't know if there is a way of preventing this but it is what it is. Still feel awesome. I am now more asthetically muscular and receiving good comments from others. Posture and self confidence at all time highs. Agressiveness has also peaked..all in a good way though. No asshole mode for me. My boys are still in tact..they shrunk very little so far. I hope its the arimidex that is aiding in this...but I can't know for sure since i've never done gear before and have nothing to compare it to.
        Last edited by ZenBuild; 05-17-2013, 05:35 PM.


        • #19
          Week 5 pin 1. Test Cyp is totally in my blood stream now...starting to get used to it...feels great everyday. Time to hit the gym a little harder as I am halfway through my 10 week run. Boys are still in good condition..I would say they shrunk only 10% overall..just enough to tell a difference. Will keep updated...until next post. Naps is A+++


          • #20
            I wrote a really lengthy review but it needs to get approved first for some reason. Hope it gets approved. I included pictures and all that jazz!


            • #21
              thanks for attempting to hijack my thread MC...j/k. so week 5 pin 2. it feels as if my body has stabilized..feeling normal. heart rate has slowed down to normal...libido is still high as hell but manageable. ball shrink is still extremely minimal (almost non noticeable). I feel perfect..if that is a good word to describe it. now I don't ever want to go off


              • #22
       balls are noticably shrinking more. although my erections are easy to come by (they rarely go away), it does take longer to get off than normal. this current girl I'm seeing says I'm wearing her the hell out.
                I was threatened by some guy and his friend in the parking lot at the movie theater today. he said he was going to beat my ass and put his fist through the window of my car since he was convinced that when my car door was opened, it dinged his drivers side door. he was actually waiting in the parking lot for me to return so he could do so. thing is, I didn't have a passenger with me so hitting his door was impossible. I told him last time I checked I was alone and my door was locked so you are barking up the wrong tree bro (in a smart ass tone). he said he already knew that since the first thing he did was to check my door to see if it was locked. so I said, wait a second, you already tried to open my door? so I walked around my car and told him i'm checking to see if you retaliated and damaged my car anywhere. he and his friend were being complete jackasses and following me around my car while I checked, talking shit all puffed up wanting to pounce on me. anyways...after my walk around and his attempted intimidation I stared right into his fucking eyes and told him..."it sucks for you that your Hyundai got dinged, but I'm going to need you to move out of the way now so I can leave." and he did. anyways, to make a long story short...I was fucking scared to death that these two white trash prep wannabes were going to beat my ass, but the thought didn't occur to me while I was in the situation. in didn't actually hit me till I was on my way home. you see, although I am semi-swole 6' and now 200lbs, my inner nerd and unfortunate past hard core religious upbringing usually comes out and I talk myself out of the situation or just walk away...this time I didn't. I was actually looking for and welcoming more confrontation. You really liking this testosterone. Kudos Naps!!! Who am I?
                Last edited by ZenBuild; 05-27-2013, 11:49 PM.


                • #23
                  week 6 pin 2 and week 7 pin 1. balls are roughly 40% smaller than normal and holding. its a very strange feeling and something not easy to get used to. I only have about 3 weeks left on this run and I will be able to re-stabilize with pct. I like the way my body feels on test, very much so that it makes me want to stay on longer..but I won't because since im a newbie..i don't think that is a good idea. still a great product, way to go Naps!!! stay tuned.


                  • #24
                    OK...I had to quit this cycle prematurely since I was actually getting bigger than I initially wanted. This was a good problem to have. My final weight was 208lbs in 7 complete weeks (out of a 10 week cycle) up from the upper 180s. I have never weighed more than the lower 190s. I lost about 7lbs after water weight dissipated and am now sitting at a stable 201lbs. I'm still eating clean and working out routinely. The definition certainly shows up after the water is gone and a small portion of belly fat has disappeared. Here are some further thoughts to end this log.
                    Even though I quit the cycle early, I did experience a very miniscule and slightly noticeable crash (if you can even call it that) which only lasted for roughly 3 days...but the anistrozle pct (while on and off cycle) helped amazingly. After two weeks of being off AAS, my balls started to enlarge again and are now back to normal size as of the third week. My crazy wicked libido has calmed back down to a normal I no longer feel the need to fuck everything that moves. My poor girlfriend...she didn't care either way though...she's a trooper.
                    I can see where AAS would not be recommended for anyone below the age of 25 (unless your emotionally stable). I would venture to say wait till your at least 30, but that's just my opinion. Self awareness is such an important issue when using AAS...most young people to my knowledge are not self aware. I think young people should know themselves first...engage in due diligence about AAS use...and only then take the plunge if necessary.
                    So just a couple of other opinions. As far as AAS forums are concerned, there are countless numbers of them. Every person has their own opinion and likes to present them as fact. I do not like this myself which is why I only believe none of what I hear and less than half of what I see. That being said, a lot of the forums are poorly moderated or filled with nonsense. This particular forum as I have found seems to focus on quality...not quantity. It is also thoroughly moderated and its main sponsor is second to none. I don't think I can go anywhere else. As far as the NAPS products (especially GP), I really have nothing else to compare them to since this was my first ever cycle, but their gear and their customer service is nothing short of GTG!! I won't do business anywhere else...I can't afford to.
                    A little food for thought for those new to AAS; just remember, everybody is different and reacts differently to drugs. For example, everyone will tell you in order to prevent/fight infection, you can't go wrong with taking penicillin. Well, my body doesn't react well to penicillin so the doctors have to prescribe something else to me that is easier on my body, yet produces similar results; I never would have known that had I not tried it first. So what I am saying is, what works well for the majority of others doesn't absolutely mean it will work well for you; It's impossible since not everyone's body chemistry is the same. So don't be afraid to try different things and RESPONSIBLY experiment to find what works best for you. One forum member's stack that he/she views as gospel doesn't mean it supposed to be your gospel. That's why you have to take what people say on forums with a grain of salt and make up your own mind in the end. We all want to accomplish the same get bigger, stronger, and faster. That's what winners do. Just don't go about it stupidly. Exercise your mind as well as your body.
                    And finally, I love you guys, this is the most friendliest and helpful forum on the net...I can actually say this because I've literally been to them all. Good luck everyone!!
                    Last edited by ZenBuild; 06-28-2013, 03:05 AM.

