I wanted to do a little review of my most successful cycle over the past 10 years. I have done 8 cycles in my life, so I usually cycle once per year. This last cycle consisted of GP Sust 270, shooting every 3 days, and then starting GP Tren Ace 100mg EOD starting at week 3. After the tren ran out, I continued the sust for a few more weeks until it was gone around week 12. I started this cycle around 14% BF, and I'm not sure what I ended up with in the pic below, which was taken at 10 weeks in.
I really had no issues. Tren has always treated me so well, and I get no sides from it. It is my favorite substance by far, as it helps shed fat like nothing else, and gives good vascularity. This is a combo I will definitely try again, however for my next cycle, I want to try Andromix.
For PCT, I always wanted to try the NAPS PCT stack that has everything you need all in one package, so no guess work, or buying a list of shit, everything was all included. It was the best PCT I have ever done, and I felt fully recovered by the end of week 4 on it. Highly recommended.
Hope this was helpful to anyone considering this combo, or tren in general.
I really had no issues. Tren has always treated me so well, and I get no sides from it. It is my favorite substance by far, as it helps shed fat like nothing else, and gives good vascularity. This is a combo I will definitely try again, however for my next cycle, I want to try Andromix.

For PCT, I always wanted to try the NAPS PCT stack that has everything you need all in one package, so no guess work, or buying a list of shit, everything was all included. It was the best PCT I have ever done, and I felt fully recovered by the end of week 4 on it. Highly recommended.
Hope this was helpful to anyone considering this combo, or tren in general.

