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Naps QD var

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  • Naps QD var

    For a little background : I have been training consistently for 4/5 years now and finally wanted to take it to the next level by trying some gear. I was too nervous to inject for my first cycle so I tried an oral only of just QD var until I was ready to take the next step. I did this cycle at the beginning of summer and finally have had time to share my results.

    About the cycle: I mainly just wanted to do a little bit of a recomp by trying to eat extremely clean and see what type of results I could get with just var. I used QD var at 40/40/50/50/60/60/60 a day with the doses split up into 2x a day. I am 5'10" 185lbs roughly 10% bf

    Results: overall I was extremely pleased with my results. I was eating extremely low carbs and lifting 5 days a week and was able to gain significant amounts of strength and noticeable amounts of fat loss. My bench press went from 315x1 to 315x6 with almost no significant changes in body weight. I was extremely pleased with the results I got from my first cycle even though it was an oral only and I am excited to see what types of results I can with more potent substances. I would definitely recommend var to anyone who was considering trying it and I will definitely be incorporating it into some of my future cycles. I was also extremely pleased with the timeliness that my shipment arrived so I will be sure to use naps again and recommend then to anyone who is weary.

  • #2
    Very cool man! Sounds like that qd var is legit. Time to step it up and hit some test.

