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Melatonin 2 or Proviron - Your choice?

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  • Melatonin 2 or Proviron - Your choice?

    Some stats real quick:
    age:42, 6'2 , 230lbs. 16% b.f.
    Coming up on my 4th cycle
    Been lifting since I was 16 y.o.
    Keeping my cycles simple mostly Test and Winny. Plus a lil Mast last cycle.

    What's up fellas!!? Im about to start my fall cycle in about 3 weeks and Im starting to order some products that will complete it. My last cycle I did 16 weeks of 500 mg Test C with a Masteron/Winny finish. Arimi throughout. I went through a proper PCT with 3 weeks of 1000 ius HCG eod along with 5 weeks of Nolva 40/40/20/20/20. I got some minor crash wit lethargy and minor depression for about 1 1/2 weeks. Nothing major. But the main thing was my lack of libido!!! Ive never had that before and want to alleviate that from future cycles if possible.
    Ive been reading the boards and proviron and melatonin 2 have been popping up for libido after a cycle. What has been your choice for off cycle libido? Feel free to put down anything else that has helped you in the past. Thanks in advance!!
    "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"

  • #2
    I would say MT2 for "off cycle" as proviron is a AAS - plus u get help w/a tan.
    "GYM + JUICE"


    • #3
      Sorry ODB..... I dont need any help with a tan. Lol. Im a brother.
      "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mighty49er View Post
        Sorry ODB..... I dont need any help with a tan. Lol. Im a brother.
        well the other side effect ain't bad either -knock on wood.
        Senior Member
        Last edited by ODB; 08-27-2012, 08:24 PM.
        "GYM + JUICE"


        • #5
          LMAO, it will still make you darker. I have ran both seperate and I have ran them togehter. MT2 will give you good wood, proviron will make you a horny mutha ^&*#@. I threw in some cabaser too.
          Originally posted by Mighty49er View Post
          Sorry ODB..... I dont need any help with a tan. Lol. Im a brother.


          • #6
            I would choose the MT2 over the Proviron. Masteron and Proviron are nearly identical. Yes, proviron will help with libido, but then you are not really PC are you?
            Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Krazy View Post
              I would choose the MT2 over the Proviron. Masteron and Proviron are nearly identical. Yes, proviron will help with libido, but then you are not really PC are you?
              No, Im getting ready to start another cycle in about 3 weeks but I want to make sure I nip this issue in the bud!!! Im thinking the MT2 also. Ive got a good research company that ive been working with. They have it pretty cheap. There is nothing worse than gettin the "signs" from the wife and thinkin "Oh, I'll get you tomorrow". I was like WTF am I thinkin? I knew that I wasnt myself. Maybe too much info but I know someone can relate! Lol.
              "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


              • #8
                By the way, whats the dosage on that just for the "wood" side effects??
                "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


                • #9
                  250mcg/E3D, i will tell you, it does get a little embarassing when my buddy pops up at the most inappopriate times. However, I have gotten use to it. Now I just throw my hands on my hips and walk the walk LOL.


                  • #10
                    Oh Mighty49er I get it. Ive been there before when watching an episode of the Golden Girls seemed like more fun than banging out my Exotic Dancer girlfriend...
                    Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


                    • #11
                      Hahaha.....I know man. I started watching a marathon of Teen Mom and just the fact that I was watching Teen Mom, should have told me something was wrong. Lol.

                      Bugs....thanks bro. ordering today.
                      "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"

