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Question about QD Var Dosage Break Down

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  • Question about QD Var Dosage Break Down

    Okay, I plan to start taking 50mg of QD Var a day on Thursday. This will be on top of the Test E I have been taking for 5 weeks now. How should I break up the dosage? I was thinking of 20mg at 6am before I workout, and then 20mg at 2pm and 10mg at 10pm. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    i would just take it in 2 doses a day, morning and 8-10 hrs later
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    • #3
      Okay so 25mg at 7am and 25mg at 3pm would do the trick? I am lifting by 8:30am and in bed by 11pm. I hope to see some good results.


      • #4
        indeed, good starting dose u can always go up if need be.. curious how much u weigh though.. and enjoy


        • #5
          6 ft tall and weigh 190lbs


          • #6
            Originally posted by ThrottleThumb View Post
            Okay, I plan to start taking 50mg of QD Var a day on Thursday. This will be on top of the Test E I have been taking for 5 weeks now. How should I break up the dosage? I was thinking of 20mg at 6am before I workout, and then 20mg at 2pm and 10mg at 10pm. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

            If they're 10mg tabs just take 30mg in the morning and 20mg 8 hours later. I prefer all of my orals taken at once. Currently running 100mg of anavar per day with test e and eq. Good luck man!


            • #7
              yea its a good starting dose for your size... (less is more) see what works and u can always bump a lil. again keep us informed andenjoy bud


              • #8
                One more question. What is the benefit of taking the VAR on the 2 days I don't lift?

