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NAPS in and my lil review

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  • NAPS in and my lil review

    Got some of my gear today, in 1/4 of the time they told me. i couldn't be happier still waiting a few things to show up but either way im still super pumped that even part of it made it that soon. Also i had to deal with there online chat support quite a few times as there were some issues before ordering and also after i ordered, and every time i dealt with them they were very professional and answered all my questions. NAPS is the chit and will plan on using them again, just pumped with there service its second to none.

  • #2
    Great to hear bro! Naps is the best around! You're gonna love them that much more once you start your stuff.

    What did you end up getting? What does your cycle look like?
    Click On The Link Below Before You Place Your Order!


    • #3
      2 x GP Turan (Turinabol)
      2 x GP Test Prop 100
      3 x GP Anastrozole (Arimidex)
      3 x GP Nolva (Nolvadex)
      1 x Femara (Letrozole) 2.5mg
      4 x GenShi TESTO-E 1250

      Week 1-10 250mg Test e
      week 1-12 250mg test p
      week 1-4 40mg tbol
      Anastrole .5 EOD or E3D depending on how i feel
      a lil letrozole just in case some gyno pops up
      then 4 weeks of PCT one week after last test p pin


      • #4
        doing a quick calculation in my head 2 bottles of prop only gives you 8 weeks with the dose you have scheduled
        Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


        • #5
          Damn it your right, I screwed the pooch on that one, do you think it would be better to cut it back to 170mg a week or just order another bottle of prop?


          • #6
            you can cut the prop and you can up your test e, you seem to have plenty of that..personally i would skipped the prop all together and got more test e
            Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


            • #7
              I absolutely love the GP tbol. Is that what you got?


              • #8
                Yep that's what I got, and looks like ill do 500mg a wk test e and 170mg a week test p


                • #9
                  .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .........................................

                  bro, read the rules....

                  Senior Member
                  Last edited by sam1976; 08-01-2012, 01:06 PM.


                  • #10
                    I hear ya but at the same time that's a lot of work ordering for just one vail, maybe if I was ordering more then one bottle

