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Follow-up: new GP Test 400 & Primo 200

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mic1366 View Post anyone else getting a lot of unusual swelling from the new GP Test 400 or GP Primo 200?
    Been browsing here for a long time and never had a reason to register until I came across your post.

    I've had exactly the same situation happen to me with the GP test 400 in every detail. Same injection site and everything.
    Today is day 6 for me and the pain and swelling are almost gone, still warm and red, but getting better.
    I won't be pinning it again. This was the first and last time with this mix.
    I always pin the GP Test Cyp 250 and have never had a problem.
    Just wanted to chime in and let you know you're not the only one.


    • #17
      Originally posted by SD8908 View Post
      I've had exactly the same situation happen to me with the GP test 400 in every detail. Same injection site and everything. Today is day 6 for me and the pain and swelling are almost gone, still warm and red, but getting better.
      I won't be pinning it again. This was the first and last time with this mix.
      I always pin the GP Test Cyp 250 and have never had a problem.
      Just wanted to chime in and let you know you're not the only one.
      Thanks SD, I knew I couldn't be the only one to get this batch...
      I think I've narrowed it down to a "GP Test 400" lot we received.
      I pinned more "GP Primobolan 200" with no problems. Then pinned another ML of the "GP Test 400" and, again...3 days later, here comes the pain, swelling and slight fever B.S.
      I suspect an issue with a certain lot of the "GP Test 400"...but there are no lot numbers.
      GP's website is very clear about professional, pharmaceutical grade products.
      I do hope Naps/GP will acknowledge these issues and contact us... it's deffinately not Test Flu!


      • #18
        I also have several Test 400 vials in the white temporary label. I have now pinned 5 times out of a single vial. As I stated earlier, I only experienced a little discomfort in the shoulder. I have pinned in the Glutes 4 times now with no noticeable discomfort. Im not sure what happened to your gear, or how many different Lots of Test 400 they put out. I have to say that my experience has been nothing but great with the product. Im not discounting what happened to you mic. Its just important for people to know that its not a problem effecting all of the product..
        Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


        • #19
          Agreed Krazy... though the un-lotted vials are a concern. (I think if it's ready for public sale, there should be lot #'s to pinpoint any problems).
          The irritation of my last pin of GP Test 400 didn't last very long. Nothing like before.
          The slight fever consists only of slight body ache (you know what I mean). 2 ibuprofins handles it.
          In hind-sight, the result might have been caused from over-training due to the effectiveness of the compounds.
          Though I only train Mon, Wed, Fri...I train hard with great concentration, and these compounds can cause us to go beyond what we should sometimes.
          So to be fair, it's important that I include all possible variables.

          I'll keep you posted.
          Thanks for the reply!

