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  • Equipoise?

    I've just always been a little stumped why no brands (at least ones Naps carries) will make EQ dosed at 300mg/ml instead of the standard 200? Considering I've never really noticed or seen quality results off EQ at less than 600mg/week it would make sense to offer a stronger concentration. I've had EQ300 from a couple "local" ugls (or at least it was labeled as such, I never bothered to have it tested just hoped the kitchen chemists knew what they were doing) but have almost never seen it offered from any of the online sources I know of. Perhaps there's an obvious answer to this question that I'm missing but figured I'd go ahead and ask instead of staying puzzled the rest of my life. I run test year round @ 750-1000mgs/week and then go back and forth between deca @400mgs/week or EQ at 600mgs/week till I jump into a bulking phase where I drop the Deca or EQ (whichever I am running at the time) and add dbol and Tren E (dbol for 6-8weeks Tren E for 10).

  • #2
    there are brands out there that have 300mg/ml bro.


    • #3
      I know there are lol, I've used them before (see my opening post above) but my question was why arent any of the many different brands naps carries dosed that way and why is it so uncommon period? Deca makes sense at 200mg/ml so does Tren E, but Equipose to me would make a lot more sense if the standard dose was 300mg/ml.


      • #4
        I really like the GP eq a lot. 300mg/ml would be sweet for sure.


        • #5
          hey silver back what was your dose of gp eq and what were your results like? i really want to become more vascular. i'm 26 220lbs 5'10 muscular build. what dose should i use to achieve this?


          • #6
            yea, UH2007, that would be nice. i've also seen local UGLs dosing their EQ at 300(or as you pointed out, claim its 300 lol). i am in agreement that, at least for me, EQ needs to be run at a higher dose.
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            • #7
              400 mg per week makes me Magic Mike!
              Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


              • #8
                i'm thinking low test high eq or equal test equal eq. or just inject 2mls of the new test e/eq blend. can't decide what i want to do but what i choose eq will be in the mix for sure. krazy has mentioned 400mg per week is a sweet dose but what do you guys think? has anyone tried the new gp test e/eq blend?


                • #9
                  EQ is some great shit! It does have to be ran at higher doses for a longer duration to get the real effects from it though.

                  Best thing to do, in my opinion, is to prime your body 4 weeks or so before you start your cycle. Usually about 4 weeks out to starting a cycle - start EQ and if possible add in GH.

                  Run a 12 week cycle - start the EQ and GH 4 weeks prior will give you 16 weeks of EQ which I think is a good time frame for EQ at 600mg+ a week. Its a great option to having extend your cycle.
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Krazy View Post
                    400 mg per week makes me Magic Mike!
                    thats too going to pretend you didnt say that
                    Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


                    • #11
                      hey everyone is different. i had a friend blow up on only 250mgs per week of deca and 250mgs per week of test e. he got huge and used our sponsor these are powerful compounds lol


                      • #12
                        I seen UGL for 400/ml. All in all, if you're diets right anything extra in the system will work.


                        • #13
                          bro i've seen eq dosed at 250 300 and even 400! i'm currently using eq 400 from another source along with gp bold 200 total 600mg per week. so far it's going good too. naps did just come out with a test e eq blend 200/200 of each per ml.

