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QDL Tren-E Reviews?

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  • QDL Tren-E Reviews?

    Hey all, new to the board!! I am interested in picking up some of the QDL Tren-E and was wondering if anyone who has ran it could give me their thoughts on it? So far the consensus has been QDL products are g2g but I was hoping someone could share their thoughts specifically on the Tren-E. Thanks guys!

  • #2
    nobody has tried the QDL Tren-E? Guess I will be the first! I'll be sure to give my review once I start pinning!


    • #3
      yes.keep us posted! lol

      i saw good reviews on their tren-ace, nothing yet on the tren e


      • #4
        I am currently finishing my second cycle with QDL test cyp and tren e. It has been just as fantastic as the last. I have lost a lot of weight which was my goal. The muscle gained is very lean and definitely noticed more definition. My first cycle with QDL (my 4th cycle) was test cyp at 500mgs per week for 10 weeks and tren e at 400mgs per week for 10 weeks. The cycle I am finishing same products is test cyp 250mgs and tren e 200mgs 1ml of each every 5 days. I feel like the results were much better this way. Anyways point being you'll be satisfied with QDL tren e in fact you'll be satisfied with any of QDLs products. Granted I've only used test cyp and tren e but I'm sure the results with other QDL products will be similiar. Buy with confidence!


        • #5
          Nice review. Ive yet to see anything negative regarding QDL. I would say they're gtg.


          • #6
            Yeah not to mention they are a little cheaper then the GP line. Just be careful when dosing because when you order 1 10ml vial it comes in 2 5ml vials. I was very confused lol n_s customer support was kind enough to answer my questions as always. And thanks Silver Back!!!


            • #7
              everyone is always saying stick with the shorter ester of tren blah blha blah good to hear that it seems one person just copy and pastes that lol... but obviously for a beginner to tren it is best to take a shorter ester incase of bad side effects so they go away faster. let us know how it goes.. and perhaps a LOG WOULD BE NICE!!!!!gl


              • #8
                Originally posted by jk703 View Post
                Yeah not to mention they are a little cheaper then the GP line. Just be careful when dosing because when you order 1 10ml vial it comes in 2 5ml vials. I was very confused lol n_s customer support was kind enough to answer my questions as always. And thanks Silver Back!!!
                why is that confusing? you still got 10ml total right? as long as i get what i pay for i dont care if it comes in 10 amps or 1 huge jug
                Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


                • #9
                  well it was confusing because the label was not specific. the lable says Dose is OK! Tre 200 followed by an expiration date. it doesn't say 200mg/ml 10ml like most vials of test or tren do. i'm used to ordering a 10ml vial and having 1 10ml vial so when i saw all of these smaller vials i was briefly confused. lol. at first i thought i got a bunch of free gear hahaha. it was my first time ordering the QDL so i'm allowed to be confused

