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QDL has arrived!!!

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  • QDL has arrived!!!

    Fellas...... Got my QDL Cyp last week from Uncle Nappy and pinned for the first time Tuesday. SMOOTH AS BUTTER!!!!!!! I hope thats the first shot of, what I hope, is a great relationship. I feel guilty(a little) for cheating on my girl, GP, but she was unavailable when I needed her. LOL. I'll update later after a few weeks. Anyone else forced to cheat on their girl, GP?
    "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"

  • #2
    I also just placed a QDL order, two actually and just had some GP I ordered all the way back in beginning of December arrive last week. Keep me posted on the QDL, Im hoping its good stuff-little nervous on the tren bc ive honestly never seen it offered that cheap but I went ahead and ordered some hoping its good to go. Will be running 1000mg Test E/week for 12 weeks 400mg Tren E/week for 10 weeks 30mg Dbol ED for 6 weeks.


    • #3
      Will do UH. Im running a Test only cut with a Winny finish. Any comments or advice would be appreciated. Here are my stats:

      Age: 41
      BF: 16%
      Height/Weight: 6'2 / 228 lbs.(after winter bulk) Athletic Build
      Lifting Exp: since 16, but seriously for 5 years
      AAS exp: 3 cycles - orals only
      Goals: 8 - 10% bf

      1-14 Test Cyp @ 500 a week
      1-16 Ari @ .5 E3D
      2-3 Clen up to 120mcg
      6-7 Clen up to 120mcg
      10-13 Clen up to 120mcg with 100 mg of Benadryl starting week 12
      8-14 Winny @ 50mg a week
      8-13 T3 quick ramp up(4 days) to 100mcg then long taper down (6 weeks has worked great in the past)

      16-19 Nolva @ 40 a day(1st week), then 20 a day till the end.
      16-17 HGC @ 1000iu E2D
      12-15 Proviron @ 50mg a day (limited supply)

      Keto style with 1 cheat day for Carbs
      2000 cals total, 1.5g x lean BW for protein, under 30g for carbs and the rest good fat (fish oil, olive oil etc...)
      Most protein from good whole choices (fish, chicken, eggs,....) and 1 high protein shake per day

      1-8: 30 minutes x 3 days fasted cardio
      9-15: 30 min x 4 days fasted cardio

      Day 1: Chest/Tris
      Day 2: Back/ Bis
      Day 3: Rest
      Day 4: Legs
      Day 5: Shoulders and any lagging bodypart
      Day 6 - 7: REST

      Give it a look and let me know what u guys think. I've done all the orals before with the same doses and had great success. This is my first time pinning. Its not as bad as I thought it would be. I also take plenty of time off after to get my body ready again (time on = time off). Hit me with some comments. Thanks fellas!!!
      "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


      • #4
        Looks pretty good, no experience with clen or winni so can't give feedback. 500mg test is the minimum you want to run, possibly bump to 750mg/wk if u can...being your first inject cycle you should get good results but in my mind 500/wk is just replacing what u lose when ur natural test shuts down. I usually run at 1000mg/wk but I've also been on cycle more weeks than not for the last 3 years lol. I've found hcc for pct to be a lot more effective if I've been running it during the cycle too but you're not running anything too harsh or at a high dose so you should be fine either way. Not a big fan of proviron just not worth the money for the small results but to each their own! Keep me posted bro!


        • #5
          Mighty, you meant 50mg a day not week, right? I'd go with Mast 50mg a day over Winny.
          Click On The Link Below Before You Place Your Order!


          • #6
            Liquid..... yea man, 50 mg a day. I proofread that stupid post 5 times and still missed it. Lol. Whats the advantage of Mast over Winny? Ive still got some Winny from a previous cycle but Im like a sponge, I love the knowledge that you vets give out here. Thanks brother.
            "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


            • #7
              I do not think you are getting enough calories for proper utilization of nutrients. 2000 Kcals, 30 mins per day cardio minimium, clen, and T3 combined is going to leave you seriously deprived of the energy necessary for proper muscle development. You will burn more fat and increase the size of more myofibrils if you up the calories to between 3000, and 3400. Try pushing carbs immediately post workouts to achieve better glucose uptake into the muscles. I am 32 and have run about 12 cycles of all sorts of goodies. For years I ran Winny as a cutting agent, but I find that after even just 3 weeks that I start to get daily abdominal pain. It effects my desire to eat enough that I have eliminated Winny all together. I find Mast to be much more effective physically as a cutting agent, but even more effective as a psychological booster. Nothing else makes me feel so damn secure, increases my libido, and just makes me want to attack life like Masteron.
              Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mighty49er View Post
                Liquid..... yea man, 50 mg a day. I proofread that stupid post 5 times and still missed it. Lol. Whats the advantage of Mast over Winny? Ive still got some Winny from a previous cycle but Im like a sponge, I love the knowledge that you vets give out here. Thanks brother.
                Had to confirm. I've read some crazy things over the years and never too sure. LOL

                Mast works much better to harden you up and dry as an anti estrogen. No sore joints like Winny causes. But if you have some left over. Might as well use them up.
                Click On The Link Below Before You Place Your Order!



                • #9
                  Thanks Krazy and Liquid..... The winny does get my joints pretty sore. I usually up my fish oil and start some glucosamine to help combat it. I will try that Mast and see how it does. Thanks for the tip!

                  With this being my first time running Test, I dont want anything to get in the way of my desired result so I'll up my kcal to 2500 and monitor them from there. Thanks Krazy.
                  "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


                  • #10
                    mast over winny, any day bro.Winny is a joint wrecker and nothing finishes like mast imo!

