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Your Cycle Advice and Opinion ?

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  • Your Cycle Advice and Opinion ?

    Just found this forum on NapsGear's web site. I am getting ready to purchase and start a cycle. I have been clean for 3 years. I am 29 years old, 6ft tall, 180 lbs., and 10% body fat. I would like your opinion on a cycle that would give me about 15 – 20 lbs. and I would like the cycle to last for about 12 weeks. I don’t want to retain a lot of water I know that I will retain some. What I am looking for is lean muscle mass cycle that you have done, because next August I would like to enter my first bodybuilding contest. Any detailed help would be appreciated. Thanks

  • #2
    When you say clean what do you mean your diet. Have you ever been thru a cycle?


    • #3
      my diet is somewhat clean being at 10% bodyfat and I have not done a roid cycle in almost 3 1/2 years. Sorry I did not clarify that. Thanks


      • #4
        Test E or C 500mg for 12 weeks
        TBol 30-50mg a day for 4-5 weeks

        Adex will help with water retention
        Senior Member
        Last edited by Liquid; 02-18-2012, 02:58 AM.
        Click On The Link Below Before You Place Your Order!


        • #5
          I would stay clear of oral because they attend to make you hold water unless its anavar. I've been off for a year just and started a cycle running tren100 everyday and test cyp 300 ounce a week. after 2 weeks I'm up from 260 to 283lbs. Your receptors are freash so your gains will come fast if you eat and train.

