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Quality Direct Labs

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  • #16
    tren e 400mgs per week for 10 weeks sorry for the typo


    • #17
      Appreciate you keeping us posted bro, will be running a similar QDL cycle here shortly-only 1000mgs Test E/week for 14 weeks 400mg Tren E/wk for 10 weeks and 20mg dbol ED for 8 weeks 1mg Armidex EOD for 8 weeks. If you just pinned first shots monday its probably a little soon to really be seeing results off the tren since its enthanate but by about the third week when its really kicked in there isnt an aas that compares in my mind. Glad to hear things are goin well so far though, are u prone to tren sides? I almost always get tren flu the first week when i start and then night sweats throughout cycle...whats ur pct look like or do u cycle year round?


      • #18
        Hey sorry I don't check this every day. Since I front loaded my test cypionate with 1000mgs on day one and another 250mgs on day 3 just to kickstart things yeah my blood counts are up. My body has always responded very quickly and very well to anabolics. I've been on and off dr prescribed anadrol since my freshman year of high school for red blood cell anemia. As for the tren I don't get sides other than my body temperature is up a bit and I wake up at night sweating. This is my 4th cycle and my pct will be clomid 100/50/50/25 I will not be using nolva because I have read several posts stating it is not good to use with the deca and tren compounds. Another thing I have noticed with the test is my recovery time after workouts. I just finished my second week so still too early to notice the tren e, but definitely feeling the test because I front loaded it. No I don't cycle year round because I like to save my money for longer and bigger cycles although I was surprised with how cheap qdl was which is what prompted me to order it in place of GP which I usually go with. I have adex on hand if any gyno or water retention shows but I have never even had those sides even with dbol. I'm benching 325 3 times curling 60lb dumbbells today will be my jog and cardio at mma practice Sunday is my day off. I'm pinning on Monday and Thursday. I will be 26 in June I'm 5'9 currently 212 20 inch biceps. I've been lifting and wrestling since grade school as well as soccer and martial arts so my diet and exercise are in check.


        • #19
          Originally posted by roachboy101 View Post
          hey mightymouse what dosage you running your tbol??
          Hey roach,

          Im running tbol 3 tabs daily, Abombs 1 tab daily basically for fluid retention around my joints( i have slight joint pain from being at low BF% and still lifting heavy) Im still waiting on my other gifts to arrive, Oral Tren, Test E from GP....the best quality mass, cutting cycle ever !!!! I have photo shoots next month so im almost ready...
          "I have found Iron Plates to be my greatest friend... They never freak out on me, never complain and are always there when I need them... Friends may come and go, but two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds and if YOU let up for one second, that is where YOU will finish...


          • #20
            Originally posted by Mightymouse View Post
            Hey roach,

            Im running tbol 3 tabs daily, Abombs 1 tab daily basically for fluid retention around my joints( i have slight joint pain from being at low BF% and still lifting heavy) Im still waiting on my other gifts to arrive, Oral Tren, Test E from GP....the best quality mass, cutting cycle ever !!!! I have photo shoots next month so im almost ready...
            oh ok man so your running 30 mgs a day? and i'm comin up on about two wks in on my cyp and got one day left of my beastdrol then starting my tbol around 50 mgs for 4 wks. how long it take you to start feelin the tbol in the gym? and how are you dosing it through the day?


            • #21
              bumpppp.! haha


              • #22
                I see you guys received your gear and are happy are you guys in U.S. ? Just wondering how the deliveries are going here if so ? Just put in a nice pack for my next ride sust 270 test blind, stan 50, tren acetate 100. should be a super cycle but i did the oral stan 50 and im thinking I should have went injectible ... Any thoughts on both guys would be welcomed ?
                It's only won way to go and that's up !! Be strong be wise but be Aggresive, mean, mad, relentless


                • #23
                  Any more news on the dbol for QDL labs is it good ?? Feel like king kong on it ???


                  • #24
                    I've been taking it, strength has gone through the roof. put on 6lbs in 2weeks, looks legit. g2g.

                    axxium how are you finding the dbol?


                    • #25
                      just ordered it, 3 x 100 , what did it come in for package ?? and how many u taking a day ?? im excited to try it.


                      • #26
                        Looks good stuff
                        There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

                        if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE


                        • #27
                          I have never seen somebody so excited about liver failure...
                          Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Krazy View Post
                            I have never seen somebody so excited about liver failure...
                            Actually dbol isn't as bad on the liver as people think I ran 40 mg last time 4 weeks straight and drank alot water and milk thisttle and i got checked out from doctor 2 and my liver had nothing wrong with it.. If you check on alot of sites they say the Toxicity to the liver on dbol is blown out of portion..


                            • #29
                              If you have an old copy of a PDR which contains Dianabol in it, then I would highly suggest reading it. Virtually every single study I have ever read has indicated that most participants who received the drug for more than 28 days in dosages of at least 30 mg per day showed some increase in at least 3 different liver values. I have my blood tested every 6 weeks. I ran 40 mg of Dbol for 6 weeks and my values for liver enzyme ALT had risen by nearly 40%...
                              Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.


                              • #30
                                Really ?? Did you drink on it ?? How much water did you consume ?? I guess everyone's liver takes things different but 40% seems alot man.

