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  • robot love

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ID:	156793Sex robots are arriving and we will have orgasms with them. Three or four times a week or what else our longevity coach or physician mentions. Why’s that? Because orgasms, especially those we would enjoy it with a sexbots partner in the future, are not only going to benefit from physical health but also mental health. Do you remember that ‘all-embracing’ orgasm that, in your opinion, was the best you have ever had; that orgasm that left you saying that you could die happy and satisfied at that very moment? What about an orgasm three or four times better and more intense than that one? There’s good news, isn’t it?
    Happily, sexbots will be eager, patient, and a lot more altruist than their human competition. And if this wasn’t good enough for you, sex robots will have plenty of sex skills gained from academic studies, erotic manuals and archives, plus, their own anatomy will host some amazing sex devices.
    Sexbots will be able to give us incredibly intense orgasms. When these long-awaited sex robots arrive, you can count to have an all-embracing sexual experience, because they’ll have it all, from open-throat style silky blowjobs, amazing cunnilingus skills, prostate milking agility, nipple tweaking, gentle kisses, two-thousand variations of coital rhythm and even scented lubes.
    With all these wonderful sex skills, naturally many people can hardly wait for the arrival of these sexbots, so, a new question emerges: when will these amazing sex robots arrive? The author of the book “Love and Sex with Robots”, Dr. David Levy, strongly believes that by 2050 these long-awaited sexbots will be hardly distinguishable from their human counterparts. Here it goes another question, is this actually valuable or it is perverted? The answer appears to be pretty obvious, here is it:
    Since orgasms have multiple benefits concerning our health, for example, they reduce the possibility of heat attacks episodes, they reduce stress, they reduce insomnia, they reduce diabetes type II, they reduce addictions, pains, aches, they reduce the risk of prostate cancer, they improve the health of the skin, they balance the chemicals in our brain, they improve the strength of our pelvic zone, they balance blood pressure, and so on. So there are only benefits, and let me tell you that the benefits are not that few.
    A frequent Oprah’s guest, the founder of, and also the head of the Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute, affirms that 350 to 700 orgasms per year can add to your longevity more four to eight years! This is definitely a challenge that most of us will be glad to pursue. Also, there are a few more studies on the role of orgasms in our longevity, some studies claim that having three or four orgasms per week can make you look seven to fifteen years younger, because orgasms fill our muscles and skin with a lot of hormones that make you look younger (hormones like DHA or Oxytocin).
    As a matter of fact, sexbots would have full stamina; they would not get tired or lost the sexual appetite, so they will be more capable to give us breathtaking orgasms. Big orgasms, means big benefits, right? And it will contribute to more longevity.
    Okay, there might be some people thinking that pairing with a sexbot can be extremely disgusting, they might even think that not pairing with another human being, preferring a robot rather than a human being can be disgusting, but in fact when it comes to orgasms, there are always people who opt to do it alone and please themselves, a well-known act, named masturbation. As Dr. Thomas Szasz (psychiatrist) puts it, masturbation is in fact the primary activity when it comes to sexual activities. Although in the nineteenth century it was considered sickness, in the current century, it is considered a cure. Of course, as humans, we prefer pairing with human partners but there is not always the opportunity to do that. With sexbots, that will not be a problem at all, because they will never be tired, they will never have headaches, they will never suffer from premature ejaculation, they will not suffer from impotence, they will not have herpes/HIV/infections, they will not have silly expectation and wait for you to fulfil it. Also, sexbots will not rape, stalk, say that you were bored in bed or not performed well, get bored when you dump them.

    Wouldn’t it be amazing to see your sexbot cum at the same time as you? Actually, you can do that by pressing that button in their butt.
    In the cinema there were some allusions to desired sex robots, as the examples you have: “mega gigolo” (Jude Law in “A.I.”) and “pleasure model” (Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner). Now, the current advances in technology are starting to make it closer to reality. For example, in Germany, ‘First Android’ is offering both male and female models that are warm, breath and their heartbeats increase in the intensity of sex. The inventor Le Trung, in Toronto, referred “Aiko” her name can be translated to: Love Child. The inventor says “she” is not designed for serving the sexual purpose but she can have an orgasm. In Japan, a similar robot flutters her eyelids and is capable of moving her hands. However, male model sexbots are actually being developed at a lower pace than their feminine counterparts. But apart from that, dildos, vibrators are selling really well, which gives us a clue of what can happen when male sexbots arrive at the market fully equipped. Then, they will finally have the chance to rival their feminine competitors when it comes to sales.
    There are a couple of predictions that can be pointed out concerning the sex robots and the improvements that could be added in the future.
    1. Sexbots that let you choose if you want eye contact or not;
    2. Sexbots that can shower themselves and put themselves back in the closet;
    3. Sexbots that are available on cruises, hotels and so on;
    4. Sexbots easily available to the public, in bars for example, that would wipe away street prostitution;
    5. Flavourful sexbots when you lick them;
    6. In prisons, boot camps, sorority parties, sexbots could be available;
    7. Concerned parents would buy their own sexbots (teen version) in order to help them get through puberty;
    8. Sexbots that can teach inexperienced humans how to perform well in bed before they take on the real humans;
    9. Sexbots that come equipped with a lot of jokes to tell, because laughing is definitely part of the equation to add a little more years to your longevity;
    Even when sexbots arrive, we will still love humans, we will still make out with humans, we will still marry humans, because, as humans, we feel the need to pair and find love with human people. Certainly, couple who would want to spice their relationship could buy their own sexbot partner and use it to spice their relationship or do a ménage a trois.
    Okay, we are humans, we have drawbacks, we are not flawless, we are not perfect, but still, we would be attracted to humans and not to sexbots, we would love humans because we share to much things to let a sexbot get in our way.
    Dr. Levy, the author of the previously mentioned book, is convinced that, in the future, humans will even fall in love and marry with sexbots. Naturally, when sexbots arrive, they will be some sort of servants built to satisfy our sexual expectations; they must not be treated as humans, because they are not humans. Sexbots would be simply improved machines designed for a unique purpose; they would not have bank accounts, possess parental bounds over our children and so on.
    Sex robots must ignore all sorts of human affection, other than the sexual one. They will not fit the bill for a relationship; they would be simple machines and not human substitutes.
    When robots are half-humans and humans are half-robots, perhaps, but just perhaps, at that point, it would be good to have relationships and emotional bonds with sexbots. Until it happens, let’s just pair with our equals, humans.

  • #2

    Don't really have much to say other than I can't wait for 1/2 human 1/2 bot abilities.
    "Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind, and nourish with repetition and emotion, will one day become reality."

    NapsGear.Org - The Largest and Most Trusted!


    • #3
      These are not the droids we are looking for. Skynet is going to end us.
      Airborne. Air Assault. Pathfinder.

      Follow Me.


      • #4
        What the hell Im paying for it either way right..
        Building my self for a better tomorrow.


        • #5
          True. Least now you wont have to hear about how bad it is. Lol, J/K.
          Airborne. Air Assault. Pathfinder.

          Follow Me.


          • #6
            FREEDOM AIN'T FREE.
            paid in blood, guts, tears and sweat. (OIF Veteran)


            • #7
              blade runner is still in my top 10 all time faves.
              FREEDOM AIN'T FREE.
              paid in blood, guts, tears and sweat. (OIF Veteran)


              • #8
                Could human life span be extended if humans had sex with robots?

                A minority of futurists thinks so. On the 7th of Nov, an article was published on the futurist website called Transhumanity, and it argues that having a robot lover could increase your life span by helping users experience “longevity orgasms” which would be far superior in quality than those that they experience from their mortal companions.

                Links between orgasms and lifespan have been explored before. Some have stated that significant health benefits stem from orgasms and a book by the title “The Longevity Project,” which is about an eighty year study of life long factors, have observed women that have more number of orgasms, tend to live a lot longer.

                On the assumptions that a robot can do it better than a human, is there an actual connection between the quality of an orgasm and long life? Or is it the number of times a climax happens that is important?

                If it’s the latter case, then the superior skills of a sex robot in bed might be a small game changer other than the fact that a sexbot will never be tired and will be forever willing to please.
                Taking all this into consideration, the futurist’s theory of life extending orgasms is not easy to understand.

                Transhumanity elaborated by saying that. Sex robots will be more desirable, patient, eager, and altruistic than their mortal competition, plus they would be uploaded with the better sex-skills from eons of erotic manuals, archives and academic experiments, and their artificial body parts would be featuring sexplosive devices. They would be offering their mortal partner the following- quadruple-tongued cunnilingus, open-throat silky fellatio, deliriously gentle kissing, transcendent nipple tweaking, g-spot massage & prostate milking dexterity, plus they would also be loaded with 2,000 varieties of coital rhythm with scented lubes.

                Currently, humans will have to wait and watch whether shrieking, frothy, bug-eyed, amnesia-inducing orgasms induced by sexbots will give you a longer life span.

                The wait wouldn’t be very long either as the advent of these robots has been predicted by Victoria university researchers by the year 2050.

                The time frame of 2050 for the coming of the sexbots was also predicted by the Dr.Robert Levy in his publication “Love and Sex With Robots,” which tells, How it is entirely possible for humans to fall in love with robots.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AIRBORNE View Post
                  True. Least now you wont have to hear about how bad it is. Lol, J/K.
                  LOL! Thanks Airborne.
                  Building my self for a better tomorrow.

