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Gene Doping

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  • Gene Doping

    Olympic officials and scientific experts will meet in China to review the progress in developing a test for gene doping, the potential future of doping.
    Researchers have made significant advances in devising a test, leaving officials hopeful a method can be approved soon for use at the Olympics and other events, IOC medical commission chairman Arne Ljungqvist said and added quite some progress has been made in terms of outlining the scientific basis for analysis of gene doping and we are moving and it’s promising.
    On June 5-6, up to 40 experts from around the world will meet in Beijing to discuss recent findings and how to move forward in combatting the threat of athletes manipulating their genes to boost sports performance. The meeting is being organized by the World Anti-Doping Agency in conjunction with China’s national anti-doping agency. It will be the Olympic movement’s fourth symposium on gene doping, following previous conferences in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, in 2002; Stockholm in 2005; and St. Petersburg, Russia, in 2008.
    Ljungqvist, also a WADA vice president, said there have been scientific studies which are quite promising and we feel it’s time to review this within the context of a small symposium of specialists.”
    Gene doping, which is prohibited by the IOC and WADA, involves transferring genes directly into human cells to blend into an athlete’s own DNA to enhance muscle growth and increase strength or endurance. It is an illegal offshoot of gene therapy, which typically alters a person’s DNA to fight diseases like muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis.
    WADA director general David Howman said we want to continue the momentum that we’ve got so we can get into a scenario where the detection methods can be approved.
    In 2010, two groups of scientists – one in Germany and a US-French research team – said they developed gene doping tests in what WADA described at the time as a major breakthrough. One was a blood test that would detect doping as far back as 56 days, while the other was for detecting genetic doping in muscles. However, the tests have not been validated and hopes they could be used at the 2012 London Olympics were not realized.
    Ljungqvist said when you have a scientific method, that is one thing, but you need to develop a technique and make good use of it and we have a reasonably good scientific basis and we’ll have to discuss how to develop this further now.
    The IOC and WADA say there is no evidence that athletes are gene doping, but warn that it may be only a matter of time. We know that those who wish to take a chance and cheat are ready to do anything, Ljungqvist said and also remarked we’ve had people who are researching into this and they have been approached by coaches and the like. But we don’t have any evidence suggesting this is yet in place.
    Howman said WADA has received information about people looking on the black market for access to gene doping methods and also remarked that nothing has amounted that is sufficient to be able to put together a case and we don’t discount the fact that people are fiddling around with it and certainly that possibility exists.

  • #2
    very interesting!! so they rather waste there resources on this kind of stuff and not on finding a cure of diabetes. Then again i am 100% sure they already have a cure for things like diabetes but curing doesn't make them money, however sustaining does. Since AAS use isn't commercialized so they aren't making money thru it and hence they wanna stop everything they aren't making money on!! What a joke this system is lol


    • #3
      i know its not related to your post but reading the post jst made me think that way, good post thou


      • #4
        pharma fraud

        I totally agree
        This "war on Drugs" is only to get more money. Also the claim that all online drugstores are unsafe like if they care. They just want to get taxes. Like VGR dirtcheap to produce and the generics are just as good, but Pfizer made huuuge profits on this drug.

        Right now the pharmaceutical industry is in the middle of its biggest challenge in history. Whistleblowers have exposed and continue to expose fraudulent practices ranging from pricing issues to sales and marketing practices at a rate never anticipated by either the pharmaceutical industry or the Department of Justice. Settlements and jury verdicts have been headline grabbing and large, attracting the attention of pharma, regulators, Congress and taxpayers. The qui tam pharmaceutical fraud cases settled since 2000 alone have amounted to over 3.5 billion dollars, representing various patterns of fraud. We expect to see some new patterns as time goes by, especially with the new Medicare prescription drug benefit. Pharmaceutical fraud is still abundant

        Pharmaceutical manufacturer Alpharma, Inc. has agreed to pay $42.5 million to resolve False Claims Act allegations in connection with the marketing of the morphine-based drug, Kadian, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Tuesday, March 16, 2010. The settlement resolves allegations that, between January 1, 2000 and December 29, 2008, Alpharma paid health care providers to induce them to promote or prescribe Kadian, and made misrepresentations about the safety and efficacy of the drug, which is used to treat chronic moderate to severe pain. Alpharma is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bristol, Tennessee-based King Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
        Europe will launch a probe into pharmaceutical companies accused of manipulating Swine Flu data. This follows a claim by a renowned German scientist that vaccine manufacturers pressured the World Health Organisation into declaring a Swine Flu pandemic seeking to increase profits. ...

        A recently article reported in Newsweek Magazine, of a study by (The Journal of the American Medical Association) and other studies have shown that the effectiveness of antidepressants is almost entirely due to the hope and aspirations that the drug will be effective and not the drug at all. Hence, a placebo is more effective than antidepressants, and there are no side effects from placebos. The side effects from antidepressants alone can kill you. According to the FDA the use of antidepressants can cause anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, hostility, impulsivity, akathisia (severe restlessness), hypomania, mania and suicide. They have also been attributed to mass murder (Columbine, Virginia Tech) to list a couple. Newsweek reports regarding a study by Irving Kirsch and Guy Sapirstein of the University of Connecticut. Patients on a placebo improved about 75 percent as much as those on the drugs. Essentially you positive mind will cure your depression.

        Many may ask how is it possible that these drugs could get approved by the FDA for decades if they are proven to be ineffective. Well the early failed results appear to have been suppressed. Thomas Moore of George Washington University used the freedom of information act to analyze the FDA earlier studies of antidepressants. There were numerous company sponsored studies by the makers of Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor and others. Many of these studies were unpublished, and over 50% more unpublished studies than other classes of drugs. Apparently 40% of the all clinical trials had never been published, and most of those unpublished trials according to Newsweek's article were the trials that proved antidepressants were a failure. The damaging results indicate pharmaceutical companies may be fraudulent in their studies and disclosures, and we ask why companies are allowed to sponsor trials. In addition, the FDA appears to have allowed it. Who is watching the store? Why wouldn’t the government at minimum only allow independent studies? But even that could be problem. Scientists at Universities who have questioned antidepressant results and who have cited Irvin Kirsch’s results have been reprimanded and their future grants have been threatened. These University grants are typically funded by large pharmaceutical companies. Looks like for our own safety we need to find another independent study group, and perhaps the Department of Justice can look into the FDA and pharmaceutical studies for authenticity.

        Newsweek’s article also points out the relationship of the chemical imbalance theory causing depression. Pharmaceutical companies have claimed for decades that this chemical imbalance is the cause of depression. The typical SSRI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor) is supposed to raise the serotonin level of the patient. This is the basis of all their research. Well a new drug study indicates that lowering serotonin is as effective as raising serotonin on depression. The new drug tianeptine made in France lowers serotonin. Now the American and UK pharmaceutical companies’ main argument is gone, but they never really had an argument. In actuality, there is no scientific evidence at all that demonstrates antidepressants alleviate depression. The hope and expectation that a pill “sugar pill” will be effective recently has shown to alleviate depression.

        When Bristol Myers Squibb’s advertises Abilify as an add-on to one’s current antidepressant because of it’s ineffectiveness on depression, it is an indication from the industry that their products have failed. In addition, many of these drugs are marketed for Bi-Polar Disorder, ADHD, and even non-smoking. ADHD has also been found to be fraudulent (see the book ADHDFraud by Fred Baughman Jr.). Will it be found that antidepressants are ineffective with these maladies also? There is certain to be more investigation into these past unpublished results, and we hope the justice department will look into fraud and misrepresentation. Like the Real Estate bubble the pharmaceutical house of cards is coming down, and we are sure there are many lawsuits to come with this disturbing information.

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        • #5
          nice post RonnyT, thats exactly what i am talking about. I didn't know it in that depth but its insane.


          • #6
            WOW! AWESOME REPORT! I been telling people that these pharmacy company's have been screwing with people for years. Love it. Cant wait to see heads roll. BUT
            just like all the other big dollar corporations out there.. No one will do time and it will fade away.
            Building my self for a better tomorrow.

