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opinions on livertoxity

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  • opinions on livertoxity

    Any opinions on liver toxicity of oral steroids? do you think its true? What when you inject 17-a-alkylated steroids, by example sub-Q?

  • #2
    Good Quest?
    too the best of my Knowledge any and all chems + toxins cross thru the liver from the blood no matter whether u take oral Sub or IM.
    But I question whether Roids r more or less liver toxic than alcohol or prescription drugs??
    not to mention what the digestive system my do to the orals?

    In addition to producing bile, the liver:

    Detoxifies the blood to rid it of harmful substances such as alcohol and drugs
    Stores some vitamins and iron
    Stores the simple sugar glucose
    Converts stored sugar to usable sugar when the body’s sugar (glucose) levels fall below normal.
    Breaks down hemoglobin as well as insulin and other hormones
    Converts ammonia to urea, which is vital in metabolism
    Destroys old red blood cells.
    "GYM + JUICE"


    • #3
      I agree with ODB, it always crosses the liver at one point or another. I always run a liver support when taking something no matter what and I always run a full system detox right before I cycle onto anything.
      Never mistake kindness for weakness...


      • #4
        I was reading about how they first tested Anapolon on a test group of 100 Aids sufferers who were given 30-100mg of Oxymethelone a day for 30 weeks so that makes me think the hepatoxicity is a load of crap
        There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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        • #5
          I definitely don't think they are as toxic as many claim. Look into the dosage and length anemia patients use anadrol compared to a BB'er. HUGE difference! By no means do I condone goin out and running things longer than need be, but its just to know
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          • #6
            I agree with the above members, its not that bad, though at the same time everything is bad for the liver envirormental toxins, alcohol, drugs, medications. Lately a lot of independant medical research is publicated esp. on HIV infected patiens.

            Liver damage is probably the most sensationalized of all side effects possible from steroid use. The media often focuses on this particular problem as if it occurs with every steroid, and in every person who takes them. Nothing could be further than the truth. Most anabolic steroids which are ingested orally pass through the liver, which functions as the body?s filtration system. When something goes through the liver, it is broken down by various enzymes, and passed along into the bloodstream. Most research on orally administered anabolic steroids focus on the fact that liver enzymes are elevated following ingestion. But does this necessarily mean that the liver is being damaged, does it? Of course not. Commonly, studies that focus on steroid toxicity often use absurd doses, or incorrectly focus on liver activity instead of damage. The liver functions as the filter for the human body.. it?s going to be activated whenever something (not just a steroid) passes through it. Does that show that steroids damage the liver? Let?s see what the scientists say..
            There was an eight-week study done in 1999, which looked at the effects of an 8-week cycle of Oral steroids. The steroids examined were Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone), Dianabol (methylandrostanolone), or Winstrol (Stanozolol) on rats at the dose of 2mg/kg-body weight, administered five times a week for 8 weeks. That”s almost 200mgs/day of any of those steroids, for a 200lb user. That is, I?ll speculate, much more than the average person would use on a cycle. In fact, I have never, in my years of researching steroids and speaking with athletes, heard of anybody using 200mgs/day of Halotestin, Winstrol, or Dianabol. Ever.
            And, at the end of that study, In vivo, each rat still had liver enzyme levels that were within normal range!
            (*Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1999 Feb;31(2):243-50, Rat liver lysosomal and mitochondrial activities are modified by anabolic-androgenic steroids. Molano F, Saborido A, Delgado J, Moran M, Megias A.)
            In another study, 16 bodybuilders using steroids were compared to 12 bodybuilders who were not. Then the bodybuilders who had used steroids stopped taking them for three months, at which points, the researchers found that liver enzymes had returned to the same levels as the non users. After only 3 months!
            (*Int J Sports Med 1996 Aug;17(6):429-33, Body composition, cardiovascular risk factors and liver function in long-term androgenic-anabolic steroids using bodybuilders three months after drug withdrawal. Hartgens F, Kuipers H, Wijnen JA, Keizer HA.)
            We can see from the chart below that ex-steroid users have totally normal liver enzymes one year after they stop using& .in fact, for some liver enzymes, even the current users have normal scores!

            But lets hear different opinions...


            • #7
              Originally posted by RonnyT View Post
              I agree with the above members, its not that bad, though at the same time everything is bad for the liver envirormental toxins, alcohol, drugs, medications. Lately a lot of independant medical research is publicated esp. on HIV infected patiens.

              Liver damage is probably the most sensationalized of all side effects possible from steroid use. The media often focuses on this particular problem as if it occurs with every steroid, and in every person who takes them. Nothing could be further than the truth. Most anabolic steroids which are ingested orally pass through the liver, which functions as the body?s filtration system. When something goes through the liver, it is broken down by various enzymes, and passed along into the bloodstream. Most research on orally administered anabolic steroids focus on the fact that liver enzymes are elevated following ingestion. But does this necessarily mean that the liver is being damaged, does it? Of course not. Commonly, studies that focus on steroid toxicity often use absurd doses, or incorrectly focus on liver activity instead of damage. The liver functions as the filter for the human body.. it?s going to be activated whenever something (not just a steroid) passes through it. Does that show that steroids damage the liver? Let?s see what the scientists say..
              There was an eight-week study done in 1999, which looked at the effects of an 8-week cycle of Oral steroids. The steroids examined were Halotestin (Fluoxymesterone), Dianabol (methylandrostanolone), or Winstrol (Stanozolol) on rats at the dose of 2mg/kg-body weight, administered five times a week for 8 weeks. That”s almost 200mgs/day of any of those steroids, for a 200lb user. That is, I?ll speculate, much more than the average person would use on a cycle. In fact, I have never, in my years of researching steroids and speaking with athletes, heard of anybody using 200mgs/day of Halotestin, Winstrol, or Dianabol. Ever.
              And, at the end of that study, In vivo, each rat still had liver enzyme levels that were within normal range!
              (*Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1999 Feb;31(2):243-50, Rat liver lysosomal and mitochondrial activities are modified by anabolic-androgenic steroids. Molano F, Saborido A, Delgado J, Moran M, Megias A.)
              In another study, 16 bodybuilders using steroids were compared to 12 bodybuilders who were not. Then the bodybuilders who had used steroids stopped taking them for three months, at which points, the researchers found that liver enzymes had returned to the same levels as the non users. After only 3 months!
              (*Int J Sports Med 1996 Aug;17(6):429-33, Body composition, cardiovascular risk factors and liver function in long-term androgenic-anabolic steroids using bodybuilders three months after drug withdrawal. Hartgens F, Kuipers H, Wijnen JA, Keizer HA.)
              We can see from the chart below that ex-steroid users have totally normal liver enzymes one year after they stop using& .in fact, for some liver enzymes, even the current users have normal scores!

              But lets hear different opinions...
              Good post!

              I think we just need to be diligent in the way we respond to our body, We all know when were putting to much strain on the body thus needing to slow it down. Im just about to up my Anapolon to 100mg to test the water Ill update on how I get on next week
              There are no stupid questions just stupid answers, Please dont be asked to be spoon fed though

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              • #8
                i agree it's blown way out of proportion with the way people drink alcohol without liver failure i cant imagine some mg of roids would be able to take out ur liver no matter how long u run it
                but hey thats just what i think and i'm a idiot so don't listen to me


                • #9
                  My point of view is that its gene dependen , if toxtivity side effects occure .
                  Some people handle high doses for a prolong period of time , and some dont handle even small dosage before toxtivity side effects begin to show ..


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hackleech View Post
                    i agree it's blown way out of proportion with the way people drink alcohol without liver failure i cant imagine some mg of roids would be able to take out ur liver no matter how long u run it
                    Hopefully it is not going to say that you can take a long time without any sides.,still some peoples taken if it would be a candy...and you do not "feel" any side effect,esp elevated liver values,just the bloodwork shows something is elevated.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by big2 View Post
                      My point of view is that its gene dependen , if toxtivity side effects occure .
                      Some people handle high doses for a prolong period of time , and some dont handle even small dosage before toxtivity side effects begin to show ..
                      Very true.I have a friend who taking methyltest from Terapia, (vets from EU knows what is "Terapia") not higher than 40mg daily on the peak,via oral (guess if it was the problem) instead sulingual,for 8 weeks...After the 6"st or 7'th week he went to his doc,and asked him for a random full bloodtest,here need to mention he haven't any complaints,just a reular-on cycle-bloodtest.The results was terrible...He got 10 stars(that means he got elevated liver enzim values,tenth times higher than the normal value.He showed the results to his doc,and the doc didn' want to belive it.Want to put him (my friend) into the hospital,and start immeditaly somekind of therapy...
                      If I remember correctly his bilirubin was not high as (in percent) the others..And he didn't have any icterus,or green skin...

                      Just wanted to say not all of sides can you feel,or see.


                      • #12
                        methyltest from Terapia=be made ​​in romania.But for 10 years taken out of production!!!
                        NO ONE SHOULD DIE IN CHAINS!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by siberiantiger View Post
                          methyltest from Terapia=be made ​​in romania.But for 10 years taken out of production!!!
                          yes,youre right those story was in the early 90's,92 or 93.Can't remember exactly

