U will, it takes time especially if u r preserving muscle mass. I have to remind myself of my goals all the time end up doubting your self and get in motivated and shit have to get your head straight and move towards the goal. I don't compete so I don't have a deadline or anything, so if I screw up and eat cupcakes or a box of Oreos here and there ah no big deal the other 95% of the time I am doing my best gotta live life as well so slow progress is good progress. Keep at it and go hard when u can. Thanks for the support im finding keeping this log gives me just a little more motivation.
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Pestosterones training log.
Yesterday was chest/back gonna have to skip a day of lifting wife had to travel for work so chest and back super sets really worked the lungs a lot on these now all my rows I keep as parallel to the ground as possible
Incline bench press/barbell rows 6sets each 135/20 225/15 275/12reps then 3 sets of 20 135lbs
Dumbbell incline flies/dumbbell rows 4sets actaully by a personal best on flies got 100s for 12 reps don't remmber other weight used between 80_100s dbells last set was like 55lbers almost 30 reps
Then it was dips no super set just 3 sets 20 body weight almost no rest /then deadlifts only used 315 3sets of 10
Then cable crossover 6 sets and lat pull downs 6 sets high reps
Hanging leg raises 3sets 15-20 reps
Hit legs at home Monday had to pick my daughters up from day care I have a 11 month old and a 5 year old lol it's quite a trick to pull off a workout with these 2
So I did 6 sets squats 20 reps 135 225 315 315 315 225
Then I have a vertical leg press I did 6 sets my max weight whatever it adds up to like 7 plates worth lol 6 sets 20
Leg extensions super set with leg curl and calve raises on The leg press machine 5 sets high reps simple yet effective workout u plan on doing some walking lunges next time out doors scare he neighbors walking with a loaded barbell down the street or up hill on my drive way that's what I wanted to do but It was raining and two kids makes that type nearly impossible rain would've been refreshing after squats lol
Tuesday was off day I won't take another day off from gym until next Saturday shred season!!!! lots of work volume ,cardio,sex ,light food and fishing lol
- - - Updated - - -
Hitting shoulders with my baby sister today this girl is a boss got her squats up to 275 for 1 rep and I've seen her 225 for 10 she hits legs twice weekly could b a Victoria secret model lol
Front raises 4 sets 12 super set with dbell shrugs 4sets 20
Rear delt raise super with nose breakers 4 sets 10-12 in delt and 20 on tri
3 sets 20 body weight dips no super set about 15 seconds rest in between sets now
Hammer strength shoulder press 3sets 20
Reverse peck deck rear delts 3sets 15 ish super set with calve raises 6 sets various reps
Hanging leg raises 4 sets 12-15 reps
Then I left, wow that's alot of shit lol now that I write it down but my shoulders r one of my best body partsLast edited by Pestosterone; 04-15-2016, 12:23 AM.
Oh btw my cardio has been 20 mins treadmill walking at 3mph steepest inclune directly before lifting quit the stair machine the last few weeks because the wife has been making me do bedroom cardio pretty much every night or morning lately about 20 mins high intensity lol stair machine is out for now because I'm doing legs twice this week!!! Friday is leg day again
Yesterday was chest and biceps short and sweet
Cable crossovers to warm up 3sets
Flat dbell press 1set 8 rep 100lbdbell 110lb dbell 8rep 120 dbell 8 rep
140lb dbell I got 10 reps this is personal best ha my flat benched anything in a while also have been doing mostly incline
Then hammer curls 4 sets 8-15 reps
Then incline dbell flies 4sets 8 with 80 lb dbells
Then incline dbell curls 3sets last one with drop set this was intense
Then hammer strength press machine 3sets last set 4 plates a side drop set to 3 then 2 about 30 total reps in this set very intense squeeze hard on this machine gives so much tension on your chest I love this machine
Plate loaded preacher machine curl one arm at a time super set with peck deck 3sets high reps
Hanging leg raises 4sets 12 reps the end I was super tired after. 12 hours work day and had to bust my ass all day lol
Today was back with my best friend it cut short we barely hit bis one of his sons ran out of medicine new born so we had to leave promptly.
Lat pull downs to warm up wide 3sets 15-20 reps get lats good and warm practice flexing throughout he movement
6 sed barbell rows on platform to get deep stretch in the lats 3 sets 20 over hand wide grip 3sets15-20 under hand grip narrower
Seated lean over dbell rows I'm not sure proper name for these 4 sets 15-20 reps
Arnold curls super set with dbell pullover 3 sets led reps 8-12
Then lay pulldowns with triangle grip super set with low row machine 2 sets 20 each of these his wife called and we left still good session we were killing that shit
Today was back .i love to do back sometimes it's my favorite had little extra calories through my regular beef meal which I had replaced with egg whites or chicken for a couple weeks today went with the beef! lol felt good even though I got n there late 20mins walking 2.5 mph highest incline treadmill.
Pull ups 3 sets 8-12 warm up I squeeze and flex my lats and also do shoulder circles as well get it all good and warm
Deadlifts 135x20 225x20 315x12 405x8 no belt until 405 and chalk only I held back some in these to b honest I wanted to save my lower back for Friday's deadlifts with legs lol
Barbell rows 135 wide grip back is as parallel to the ground plates almost touch floor every rep feel stretch intense exaggerated squeeze on about 50% of these reps 3x20 rep then 185x15 and 225x12. Now listen here youngsters this is an excersive that can not b substituted learn it love it grow your back massive
Dbell rows 4sets 12-20reps simultaneously trying to have elbows go from wide and squeeze inward at the top
Plate loaded row machine 4sets 15-20 had some rest pause in this to get all the reps
Lat pull downs 2x20 wide 2x20 triangle grip
Super set lat pulls with valve raises standing in smith machine in platform with 2 plates a side this was only calve excersive available and close the gym was packed weight was already on the smith lol any ways pumped calves 4 sets
Then hanging leg raises 4 sets and done just ate eggs bananas and spinache for dinner fast and easy