I took the time to write it, you should take the time to read it.
For months now I have gazed the 150 pound dumbbells at our gym. Fondly dreaming of the day I'd be able to chest press the heaviest of the heavy. Nay the 150's would be a staple achievement one can reach inside the sweat filled halls of In Motion Fitness as the 150’s are the crowning touch of the dumbbells.
Knowing the worst thing I can do is settle for average, I trained…. And then trained some more.
On a well heated Chico summer day, (Monday) I tested myself , oh and how I passed. Started the chest press with a set 90 pounders… easily pressed out 10. To the next challenge I went. Pulled out the 120’s, which had a little more weight to them, pressed out 10 as well. Now the pump set in…. Chest and arms were awake now and knew what was going on.
“CHEST DAY,†screamed the upper body!
Furthermore I pulled down the 130’s. The dumbbells by this point were hard to position correctly. Struggling I bring them to my knees and laid back for the press. 7 times I pressed and decompressed.
The evil nemesis of endurance, fatigue slowly but surely is starting to settle in. Mind racing I start asking myself “How many more times/ how much more weight can I do?†There’s only one way to find out…. I grab the 140’s struggle with positioning even more this time barely get the weights to my chest but 4 times more the bells rose and settled.
Here they were the 150 pound dumbbells…. And there I was once again gazing at what would hopefully be the culmination of my dumbbell chest press.
Grabbed the weights I did, down the weights fell! Yes I picked up the dumbbells and on the way to the bench the weights shifted starting to spin in my hands and I dropped them. Embarrassment settles in…. I start sweating and turn red. I could feel the stares of my peers around me. In retrospect they probably weren’t able to tell that I was embarrassed because I’m almost naturally red and was already sweating from lifting anyways…. But at the time I knew, they knew that I was embarrassed.
So I scooted the weights over to the bench. Gathered my wits and concentrated on the task at hand. “Forget them! Lift the weights and that’ll shut‘em up†my mind plead. I reached down grab the weights 300lbs in total and rear them up to position and yet again unable to place them correctly on my knees I have to drop the weights again. Not once but twice now.
Now the people are really judging. “Why would he even try to lift those if he can’t even get them into position?†Says my mind projecting their thoughts.
Now I was pissed at myself. I wasn’t leaving until I lifted those damned weights at least once. So I approach 2 bro’s inside the gym and ask them “How do you guys get the 150’s on your chest to bench them?â€
The red headed bro replies “ I don’t fuck with the 150’s like that.†(Referring to the way I was trying to get them on my chest) He and his friend tell me to lay back and they put the weights on my chest for me and help me get them elevated.
Here it was! I was finally in position…. Cleared my mind and 4 times the weights touched my chest and extended my arm’s length. I was so proud/ full of myself after that.
For months now I have gazed the 150 pound dumbbells at our gym. Fondly dreaming of the day I'd be able to chest press the heaviest of the heavy. Nay the 150's would be a staple achievement one can reach inside the sweat filled halls of In Motion Fitness as the 150’s are the crowning touch of the dumbbells.
Knowing the worst thing I can do is settle for average, I trained…. And then trained some more.
On a well heated Chico summer day, (Monday) I tested myself , oh and how I passed. Started the chest press with a set 90 pounders… easily pressed out 10. To the next challenge I went. Pulled out the 120’s, which had a little more weight to them, pressed out 10 as well. Now the pump set in…. Chest and arms were awake now and knew what was going on.
“CHEST DAY,†screamed the upper body!
Furthermore I pulled down the 130’s. The dumbbells by this point were hard to position correctly. Struggling I bring them to my knees and laid back for the press. 7 times I pressed and decompressed.
The evil nemesis of endurance, fatigue slowly but surely is starting to settle in. Mind racing I start asking myself “How many more times/ how much more weight can I do?†There’s only one way to find out…. I grab the 140’s struggle with positioning even more this time barely get the weights to my chest but 4 times more the bells rose and settled.
Here they were the 150 pound dumbbells…. And there I was once again gazing at what would hopefully be the culmination of my dumbbell chest press.
Grabbed the weights I did, down the weights fell! Yes I picked up the dumbbells and on the way to the bench the weights shifted starting to spin in my hands and I dropped them. Embarrassment settles in…. I start sweating and turn red. I could feel the stares of my peers around me. In retrospect they probably weren’t able to tell that I was embarrassed because I’m almost naturally red and was already sweating from lifting anyways…. But at the time I knew, they knew that I was embarrassed.
So I scooted the weights over to the bench. Gathered my wits and concentrated on the task at hand. “Forget them! Lift the weights and that’ll shut‘em up†my mind plead. I reached down grab the weights 300lbs in total and rear them up to position and yet again unable to place them correctly on my knees I have to drop the weights again. Not once but twice now.
Now the people are really judging. “Why would he even try to lift those if he can’t even get them into position?†Says my mind projecting their thoughts.
Now I was pissed at myself. I wasn’t leaving until I lifted those damned weights at least once. So I approach 2 bro’s inside the gym and ask them “How do you guys get the 150’s on your chest to bench them?â€
The red headed bro replies “ I don’t fuck with the 150’s like that.†(Referring to the way I was trying to get them on my chest) He and his friend tell me to lay back and they put the weights on my chest for me and help me get them elevated.
Here it was! I was finally in position…. Cleared my mind and 4 times the weights touched my chest and extended my arm’s length. I was so proud/ full of myself after that.