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My 1st Cycle- question

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  • My 1st Cycle- question

    Hello everyone, I have been doing a bit a research and I've got my eye on the side free quality gains pre-designed stack. I am 6ft 180lbs and 35 years old. I have been "on" and "off" at the gym for years with mostly injuries in snowboarding and soccer keeping me "off" of the gym. I've always been an athlete and in pretty good shape with more of a runners body. My younger brother is the 6'1 245 ripped gym rat but since he is not as cautious as I am I wanted to ask you guys about this particular stack. Originally I started my research because of my injuries and my limited knowledge of pro athletes using HGH to recover. I wanted to regain my youth and strengthen my tendons and cartilage to prevent injuries in sports and training (particularly crossfit). Now because of the price and possible side effects I have decided to wait on the HGH.

    I am not looking to be a professional body builder but at 35 now I would like to keep a good physique and some solid lean muscle. The side free quality gains cycle appealed to me because of the low side effects and ability to keep gains. I don't want to be cycling or spending the $$$ if I can just keep going to the gym to keep the gains when it's over (although I've heard all the warnings of how addicting it can be once you start seeing results). I have to admit I have thought of doing this for years and years but have always been too scared mostly of hair loss (brothers all fell out by about 20yrs old), acne, or messing up my libido. I've been blessed with great health up until this point in my life and I don't want to mess it up.

    My questions are:

    Do you think I need both the Anavar and Primobolan as a first timer? With no Test?

    Just your thoughts on this stack for a first timer?

    Maybe I should just stick with a basic 500mg test cycle for 10 weeks with pct two weeks after and see how that goes before spending this kind of $$$?

    No PCT at all with this stack?

    Any comments from other's who have done this stack?


    Junior Member
    Last edited by celtpatsox; 02-13-2014, 12:08 PM.

  • #2
    update: The more I read the more confused I get. Not sure I want the Primobolan now. You can delete this thread if you like. I've got more reading to do.....


    • #3
      Keep up on the research when u figure out what cycle and ur pct u will get good solid info from the guys they will help u modify ur cycle so its best for u good luck

