Shawn Ray - Various Shawn Ray SCANS You May Not Have Seen!!!
Here are some great scans of Shawn Ray. Love him or hate him, he had a classic physique.
MORE PICS -----> Shawn Ray - Various Shawn Ray SCANS You May Not Have Seen (Drag pics to new tab and it will open to original size)
Facebook page for Legends Of Bodybuilding that is updated daily. Please join/like the page and share it with your friends. FACEBOOK PAGE -----> Legends Of Bodybuilding

Here are some great scans of Shawn Ray. Love him or hate him, he had a classic physique.
MORE PICS -----> Shawn Ray - Various Shawn Ray SCANS You May Not Have Seen (Drag pics to new tab and it will open to original size)
Facebook page for Legends Of Bodybuilding that is updated daily. Please join/like the page and share it with your friends. FACEBOOK PAGE -----> Legends Of Bodybuilding