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Got my BF down and will start 1st Cycle in couple weeks

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  • Got my BF down and will start 1st Cycle in couple weeks

    Hey guys. I posted about a month ago and took the advice of some guys about dropping my BF down before starting my cycle. I am not new to lifting but new to AAS. So I dropped 16lbs and have my diet damn clean. I actually have veins popping out which I've never had. Anyways here is my cycle I am going to start in a couple weeks.

    Weeks 1-4 GP Methan10 40 mg per day
    Weeks 1-10 500mg GP Test Cyp per week
    Weeks 1-10 GP Anastrozole .5 mg per day

    My questions are do I need the Anastrozole everyday or should I do eod?
    When should I start HCG and what would be the best PCT for this cycle.
    Also can I add somthing else in towards the end to harden the gains, if so what?

    Thanks bros, hope everyone had a good thanksgiving

  • #2
    Hi show,

    I can't really advise as like you you I'm doing my first cycle soon. I'm going to use t bol as a kick though and use aromasin ( all gp )

    I'd be very interested in what you get from the test cyp.

    I plan to start beginning of jan. Are you going to start a log?


    • #3
      well to be honest there is no correct answer for that right now because you dont know how you will react to do 500mg a week of test only for 12 weeks...keep the Anastrozole on hand in case your estro gets too dont want to crash your estro just keep it under the want to know how each compound effects you so go with test alone..then add stuff in other cycles so you know what works for you and what doesnt
      Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


      • #4
        What did you do to get the BF down ?


        • #5
          wacked off about 12 times a day.............jk...about 8


          DIET...DIET....DIET and cardio like a mofo


          • #6
            Boy you must be raw with all that pulling. Ha... I hear ya on the cardio...

