Okay here is the deal. I have learned that there is a fine line between to much estrogen and not enough. And for me personally it is a very fine line between the two. Now if you have been following my cycle in cycle logs then you will know that I began my cycle taking .5mg of GP Arimidex twice a week. Monday and Thursday on the days I pin. Well it only took a few weeks and my nipples began to look kind of puffy and feel itchy. So I upped the Arimidex to .5mg every other day. Well it took about 3 days and the itchy and puffy nipples slowly went away. But along came another side that I began to feel. EXTREME TIREDNESS!! Now after research and talking to my brothers here on JM I learned that my E levels were probably still high even though no signs of Gyno were there. So I upped my Arimidex to .5mg ED and slowly my energy went up and I began to feel much better.
Now this brings me to where I am at today. I decided to drop back down to .5mg EOD. Now I did this because I felt as though my gains have maybe slowed a bit and I though just try and drop the Arimidex a little and see what happens. Well I began to feel tighter and maybe a little stronger BUT my energy is way down again. I feel like I can sleep all the time. So I have learned that my sweet spot is .5mg ED.
Maybe this can help a new guy understand how crucial E levels can be to your growth and most importantly how you feel.
Now this brings me to where I am at today. I decided to drop back down to .5mg EOD. Now I did this because I felt as though my gains have maybe slowed a bit and I though just try and drop the Arimidex a little and see what happens. Well I began to feel tighter and maybe a little stronger BUT my energy is way down again. I feel like I can sleep all the time. So I have learned that my sweet spot is .5mg ED.
Maybe this can help a new guy understand how crucial E levels can be to your growth and most importantly how you feel.