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Gaining too much weight??

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  • Gaining too much weight??

    When I started my cycle I was 200 now week 5 I am 220lbs I'm taking test e and Tbol I don't think I'm eating enough around 3000 cals I'm trying to cut but instead I'm gaining I don't eat bad at all and I lift 4 days a week. Just confused

  • #2
    The juice has a way of soaking up all that you eat and unless you're some sort of giant 3000 calories is a bmr of a very very big person so in order to cut you must cut your cals as well. I'm 6' 3'' and my bmr is around 2400 so try lowering your cal intake that should help trim you up.


    • #3
      i think i might need to do that i just calculated mine i need about the same as you around 2400 cals a week ive been taking about 1.5 grams of protein per lbs should i stick to that?


      • #4
        That's a good number high protein will help prevent muscle loss when cutting most bodybuilders I know stick to low cal super low carbs and high protein when trimming for shows. There are a lot of people who will tell you that too much protein will harm your kidneys but don't worry all that will happen when you dose high protein is you will have protein rich urine my daily protein is anywhere from 500g to 700g (no typo that high) and I'm on orals and I'm fine just all hulked out. Good luck brother.


        • #5
          how much test are you on? are you using an AI? 20lbs is easy to put on in just water..
          Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


          • #6
            I'm taking 500mg a week I have Al just haven't taken it yet I think it might be I always feel a little bloated


            • #7
              is that not a bulk dose and calorie count to start with... Thats what I did in my first 3 to 6 weeks of my bulk cycle. Whats your cardio like. Might want to turn up the burn and add a few more minutes to the cardio time.
              Building my self for a better tomorrow.


              • #8
                I gained 25lbs with less protein,everyones body's different I agree with everyones help and like Time bandit said also,may need to up cardio,also maybe adjust training to exhaust muscle at higher reps & change up type of lifts.Best of luck.

