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  • cramping

    I have been working more and having less time for the gym. So i have been hitting it hard 3 times a week. I drink a good amount of water, drink protein shakes and take L- glutamine after workouts. But lately i have been cramping really bad. After chest day i cant stretch at all or i cramp so bad and my abs cramp every time i work them out and after a great bedroom session. Does anyone have this issue or know of a way to help stop this from happening? I was just thinking drink more water. But idk help!!!

  • #2
    Water is a great idea simply because every chemical reaction within the body needs water to react, but one key factor that is left out in the equation of muscle cramping in the cell gradient which requires K+(potassium) and Na-(sodium) so, take some potassium you can bet a decent amount from banannas but a pill form is much more beneficial just don't take more than the recommended dose mainly because potassium also has a major role in the cardiovascular system. Also you may consider drinking a glass of water with a small amount of table salt. Doing this should help reinstate homeostatic balance within your muscles. It helped me.


    • #3
      Originally posted by juicemanjoe View Post
      Water is a great idea simply because every chemical reaction within the body needs water to react, but one key factor that is left out in the equation of muscle cramping in the cell gradient which requires K+(potassium) and Na-(sodium) so, take some potassium you can bet a decent amount from banannas but a pill form is much more beneficial just don't take more than the recommended dose mainly because potassium also has a major role in the cardiovascular system. Also you may consider drinking a glass of water with a small amount of table salt. Doing this should help reinstate homeostatic balance within your muscles. It helped me.
      Thanks ill give it a try.


      • #4
        I have the same issue- It doesnt necesarrily mean you are dehydrated- but to hit it from every possible angle- You drink H2O, you add magnesium - especially the DOANS PILLS- for cramping, L-Taurine also- but many times if you do other activities, you train too frequently can also be a culprit- the muscles are just screaming REST ME- and after reading how you have spent less time in gym- this tells me you are out of condition and try to do too much, especially is this has not happened before.
        The mind is the greatest weapon

