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Why not to tell people you use steroids.

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  • Why not to tell people you use steroids.

    Here is a good example of why you shouldn't tell anyone that you are using steroids.

    The other day I told one of my buddies that I was using steroids (thought I would help him out if he wanted to possibly) He was interested at first. But once I started going into detail about how I did the research for my cycle and just giving him a how to description, he lost interest. Now any gains that I get in the gym he just attributes it all to my steroid use. So just keep in mind if you tell anyone that you are taking steroids, it doesn't matter how hard you bust your ass or how well of a diet you maintain, you are only bigger, stronger, and healthier because you are taking steroids.

    *People must think "just by doing steroids you get bigger"

  • #2
    Originally posted by HunterSato View Post
    Hyou are only bigger, stronger, and healthier because you are taking steroids.

    *People must think "just by doing steroids you get bigger"
    Yes. Its what they have been programmed to think by our media around the world. Look at what they did to Armstrong and Mark McGwire.
    People have been told for years its as simple as taking a pill and you look like Halk Hogan. Live and learn. Just say nothing.
    Building my self for a better tomorrow.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Time Bandit View Post
      Yes. Its what they have been programmed to think by our media around the world. Look at what they did to Armstrong and Mark McGwire.
      People have been told for years its as simple as taking a pill and you look like Halk Hogan. Live and learn. Just say nothing.

      ^^^^^This is so true. I thought the same thing myself, because that was the "conventional" thinking put forward by the media. It takes one to research something himself to find out the whole story and become educated on a subject.

      Hunter, sounds like your buddy heard your account of the work you put in and talk of "needles", and got turned off. He thought it was going to be easy. As the saying goes, "ignorance is bliss".


      • #4
        Go home sit on the couch eat steroids get big....Right?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Time Bandit View Post
          Yes. Its what they have been programmed to think by our media around the world. Look at what they did to Armstrong and Mark McGwire.
          People have been told for years its as simple as taking a pill and you look like Halk Hogan. Live and learn. Just say nothing.
          Lance Armstrong was raped with no lube.


          • #6
            It was another way to set an example of some one that was bad.. Ya OK.. Even today the man is not broke and if he hasn't already I'm shore he is working on his book.
            You wont find me on line to buy one.. I hope to write my own one day
            Building my self for a better tomorrow.


            • #7
              so tell us whats your cycle huntersato? why you even care what your budies think.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tahril View Post
                why you even care what your budies think.
                Well I don't think that it so much that he cares what people think its the fact that we work very hard for our physiques and only to have people that are jealous and in no way match our efforts to talk shit can be irritating. I'm sure you wouldn't want to have the people that you're close to criticizing your hard work. It's a well kniwn fact that those who juice normally work harder in the gym then anyone else. The guy who introduced me to the scene stopped juicing and started running his mouth about me and I felt betrayed. People hate on what they could never percieve or even achieve. Keep it to yourselves brothers.

