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My Pin

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  • My Pin

    Like so many before me I wait. Just hours away from my next pin I count the hours.
    It started out so simple. I was scared. What were the possibilities?
    Maybe it would be bunk and a waste of money. What if it is real?
    3 weeks went by and nothing. I felt like I was wasting my time.
    A pin her and a pin there. Nothing. Nada. Not even a sign. Another week
    go’s by and another pin gone. Look at the calendar and check my work out. Talk to
    a few friends and get told this is normal. Check my diet. Is there something wrong
    with my gear? Wake up the next morning and go to the gym. Wait!! What the hell was that.
    I feel something new. Let me try that again. WHAT THE HELL… OH HELL YA..
    I GOT SOME POWER HERE. Slow growing and not anything fast to say the least but
    noteworthy. As the days go on I find myself ready to push even harder. A sense of well
    being over takes me and what was heavy becomes the past and I’m reaching for more.
    Still I’m cautious. Could this be real? It’s got to be. Then like a kid in a candy store I
    find myself wanting to pin again. WAIT!! It’s too soon. I quickly do the math. Days turn into
    hours. Hours turn into minuets… YES another pin done. “LOOK AT THESE ARMS” I think to my self
    as I gaze in the mirror. Veins coursing new road maps across my arms and chest. Out with the old
    loose shirts. In with the new Under Armour T-shirts. A new subscription to Men’s Fitness on its way.
    What do I do now? Change my work out? Am I eating right? AND WHAT THE HELL IS ALL THIS HAIR
    I think again to myself. We did read about this. It’s normal with gear… OMG!!! I bust into a frenzy.
    I got the SHIT!!!
    Its real. HOLLY SHIT HOLLY SHIT HOLLY SHIT!!! Who do I tell? WAIT!!! You can’t do that either.
    A few moments roll by and I discover that I’m one of “THEM”. Thousands of thoughts race
    through my head and like a train hitting a brick wall I come to the conclusion that YES I am one of THEM.
    I work hard at this And if this is what it feels like then I like it. WAIT!! What day is this?
    Is it close to time yet? My heart races as I think about the next pin. I pull my calendar. Tuesday, Wednesday as I run my fingers across the page. Now out to plan my next day ever so carefully. Like a fat man wanting that bacon cheese burger I want my pin. Only hours to go.

    To be continued
    Building my self for a better tomorrow.

  • #2


    • #3
      Time Bandit you are crazy.
      Go Hard Or Stay Home!!


      • #4
        .................................................. .....good stuff.


        • #5
          Tick Tock Tick Tock the clock rolled on. Finally it has come to my time.
          I get all my tools together for the next pin. Wash my hands and I Begin by sanitizing the area. I lay out a fresh bio guard
          sheet and place my tools on it. Rip open the foil pack to the alcohol pad and clean the top of my bottle. Break open a new pin and get my glasses so I can see
          all the small lines on the pin. Hands are a lot steadier now then from the first few times. I also feel pretty confident that this will go smooth. I draw back on
          my pin and insert it into the liquid gold in this glass vial of heaven. Slowly I push the air in and start to draw the liquid gold out. As the liquid fills the pin
          I look ever so intensely at the amount and paying close attention as to how much is in the very center of our dose line and I think... Whats a little more??
          1.0 and maybe half a line more ??? NO NO WE CANT DO THAT. 1.0 is it. We take the pin and push the extra out and pull it from the bottle and
          enter into the next stage of this event... The actual Pinning. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. My left hip is tough to get to and my right quad could use a
          good stiff shot... Right quad it is. Grab the foil like a doctor giving out shots at the local school. Swipe the top of my quad a few times and trace
          threw the pics in my mind as to artery location. With my left hand I get a good 2 figure grip on my quad and like a professional dart thrower
          I score a bullseye. Nice shot I think to my self now draw back on it... Hmmmm No blood. Now I slowly inject the liquid gold in to my leg.
          Pull the pin out and roll my hands over the area to rub it out for less pain later. I feel my self relax now with the idea that the gym
          will be filled with even greater experiences ahead. In just a few hours I know the ache in my nads will grow stronger and hunger will kick up again. But
          its all part of the game. Right? This is what I wanted and I own this. My body is building bigger and better. I am are safer and smarter about it. I eat right
          and work out hard for it. No one can take this from me. After all, This is "My Pin"
          Building my self for a better tomorrow.

