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3 weeks into first cycle

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  • 3 weeks into first cycle

    So I'm 3 weeks into my first cycle, I had some doubts about the testosterone I recieved But I think it is starting to kick. The dbol I've been taking is working. I've already put on 8 pounds of muscle and all my muscles are tighting up real nice. I still have some body fat to deal with but I feel at the end of this cycle I'll be looking and feeling pretty nice. Could some give me a good description of what test feels like when it's coming on? I feel like my muscles are kinda pumped up by themselves and are getting bigger and harder faster than they normally do for sure. (But this could just be one big mind fuck and I have the placebo affect going on lol) Since I think I'm taking steroids I'm working out harder lol. Also instead of just getting a normal boner I get kinda more like a raging boner. (Placebo?)

  • #2
    You are feeling it now, even like when your at work during the day you'll just feel pumped and bigger. All that you're feeling is it, sometime when I get a hard-on that my dick is even bigger and harder, slightly. Try to do cardio at least 3 times a week for 20min, this will help with some of that fat.
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    • #3
      I was thinking that it was working. But the mind is a powerful thing. I could easily trick myself into thinking I'm feeling it. I've done just about every drug in the book and this is the best I've ever felt. Wasted my time with all the rest. I don't consider steroids a drug though


      • #4
        Your on the money.. I was in your shoes a few weeks back.. Its all about eating right and keep the work out going. Don't over burn tho. So tempting.
        Building my self for a better tomorrow.


        • #5
          I keep feeling my pecs and nips checking for gyno. I've taken all the nessecary precautions though.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MrBig View Post
            sometime when I get a hard-on that my dick is even bigger and harder, slightly.

            That's not what MrsBig said!


            • #7
              Originally posted by HunterSato View Post
              I keep feeling my pecs and nips checking for gyno. I've taken all the nessecary precautions though.
              Been there done that too. A few weeks back I fucked up and switched AI... Big mistake.. Left nipple went to hurting bad and got a knot in it..
              I just about cut up the GP brand and sent it up my nose to stop the gyno.. It was OK with in 24 hours. Major learning curve for me but now I know
              what it feels like.
              Building my self for a better tomorrow.


              • #8
                Originally posted by stallion View Post
                That's not what MrsBig said!
                Yeah it's hard for her to know, cause I'm always TEARIN IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                The Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)
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                • #9
                  Whoop!! There it is!!! Lol!
                  Building my self for a better tomorrow.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by HunterSato View Post
                    So I'm 3 weeks into my first cycle, I had some doubts about the testosterone I recieved But I think it is starting to kick. The dbol I've been taking is working. I've already put on 8 pounds of muscle and all my muscles are tighting up real nice. I still have some body fat to deal with but I feel at the end of this cycle I'll be looking and feeling pretty nice. Could some give me a good description of what test feels like when it's coming on? I feel like my muscles are kinda pumped up by themselves and are getting bigger and harder faster than they normally do for sure. (But this could just be one big mind fuck and I have the placebo affect going on lol) Since I think I'm taking steroids I'm working out harder lol. Also instead of just getting a normal boner I get kinda more like a raging boner. (Placebo?)
                    Bro done 20 plus cycles- YOU DONT EVER FEEL ANYTHING. If anyone says you do theey are full of baloney. Heres my beginner advice- DONT RELY ON PILLS- since you have invetsed your ahrd earned money on gear- make even more of an effort to eat properly and train hard- eating and training are 80% of everything. All gear does is support a positive nitrogen balance more than a normal person thats why you need to stuff protien and train harder and harder. It enhances your recovery. Id dont KICK in - and your first cycle you will or should make your greatest gains so really take the time to do what I say, MORE IS NOT BETTER, smarter is, patience and intelligence is needed to build a superior body. Never go by the scale it lies, use the mirror and your poundages to tell you, And yes you will get raging hard ons so I hope you have a girls ride her hard every day LMAO Good luck and carry on
                    The mind is the greatest weapon


                    • #11
                      Thanks guys.

