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gp superdrol

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  • gp superdrol

    Im getting ready to do a short 10 week intermediate bulk cycle, im currently 280 with about 20% bf im gonna run 500mg test e and 250mg deca a week with adex i want to front load with superdrol but have no experience with it can anyone help me with the dosing and duration

  • #2
    I dont have experience with super drol but i
    Would like to know at 280 lbs whats with the bulk cycle


    • #3
      Superdrol is extremely powerful, GP Dianabol doesn't anything for me even at high doses but Superdrol helped me pack on some mass quick. People have been known to gain 20 lbs in a month with superdrol. It is pretty toxic too so the absolute longest I've run it is six weeks and make sure you use liver support. I'd say start by taking ten milligrams in the morning and ten milligrams 8 hours later. If you handle this fine then move up to thirty but I wouldn't go above thirty with legit superdrol like this. This stuff gave me some serious blood pressure headaches ridiculous back pumps like I've never experienced and shut my balls down hardcore. For whatever reason it also always makes me very depressed which I haven't experienced with other anabolics. Still though, I would probably take it again cause its a serious performer just be careful assess your tolerance and take it slow. It was originally considered a prohormone and sold legally so you should still be able to find a bunch of information about it online.
      A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Big L View Post
        I dont have experience with super drol but i
        Would like to know at 280 lbs whats with the bulk cycle
        or at 20% body fat....not to mention those doses are not intermediate, thats beginners ...and 10 weeks of deca is a waste, 12 is the minimum id ever suggest, but would rather see you go 14-16 weeks to get the full benefit
        Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


        • #5
          I heard it was very potent, thats why i want to try it, i am 6'5" to put my weight into perspective. So i can run 20mg ed for 1 week and move up to 30mg ed, and thats about the highest dose? im gonna bump my cycle to 14 weeks should i limit the superdrol to about 4 weeks?


          • #6
            at 20% be carefull especialy with deca mate couse you know more BF= more sides and deca isnt the best compound for sides like tren too


            • #7
              Originally posted by bzack32 View Post
              I heard it was very potent, thats why i want to try it, i am 6'5" to put my weight into perspective. So i can run 20mg ed for 1 week and move up to 30mg ed, and thats about the highest dose? im gonna bump my cycle to 14 weeks should i limit the superdrol to about 4 weeks?
              4 weeks of superdrol is fine and id bump the deca up to at least 300mg a using deca now at a higher dose than my test and there is no water weight fact im not getting any noticeable sides except oily skin so you can even flip your dose to 500mg of deca and 250mg test e per week
              Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


              • #8
                In my expirences with deca i wouldnt waste my time under 500 mg
                And i cant run deca more than test cause of deca dik
                But thats just my body. Id go 500 /500 with alittle more test on side if needed


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Big L View Post
                  In my expirences with deca i wouldnt waste my time under 500 mg
                  And i cant run deca more than test cause of deca dik
                  But thats just my body. Id go 500 /500 with alittle more test on side if needed
                  throw some hcg in there and you wont get deca dick...i use 250ius twice a week
                  Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire


                  • #10
                    Yeah four weeks superdrol would serve you fine and 30 milligrams will be plenty especially if your sensitive enough to AAS to be able to respond to 500 mg test and 250 decca. Just listen to your body you'll know if your taking too much superdrol and need to back off a little, or if you tolerate it fine maybe try forty but I wouldn't go any higher then that.
                    A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step.

