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relationships and Bodybuilding

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  • relationships and Bodybuilding

    So I was just thinking about my own life and , I have a awesome girl of like 11 years 2 kids and its all good, and I have always been a normal good looking guy, never big or real noticeable muscle until I about the last year, I am a good guy I travel all over the US and girls hit on me now days like crazy, but I love my wife and the house we have built together and the kids we have raised together, so I don't step out but not everyone has that kind of willpower, it's hard not to let the little guy take over and do all the thinking for you, specially when you have all this testosterone flowing thru you............................
    So what about you guys or gals has your transformation got you more attention, has your relationships suffered from it............. Kind of feel like Dr. Fill.... I think its kinda cool to see more into ppl then what we get to.

  • #2
    Taxi cab confessions ... LOL! The wife just asked me not to leave her 3 days ago... I think I will skip this one. Life is good and getting better all the time
    Building my self for a better tomorrow.


    • #3
      First off cool thread brother. Secondly I have been in my relationship for 9 yrs and a never been in any other shape but round till about 3 yrs ago. My girl never really said much about it until I started bulking up then her response was quote on quote "GROSS!" she's not too jealous but when she sees or hears other chicks compliment me she gets pretty riled up but she won't feel my any part of me other than my D%#K bro? I have a confession to make I have been seeing my high school crush on the side for about 3 yrs she knows about my girl and often talks about me and her running off to start a new life but once I hulked out she became extremely jealous. My girlfriend is a pretty chick but my side girl is rediculously hot i mean top shelf booty and some looks to kill, so when I take out the back up other chicks are all rude to her and super nice to me. Its kind of funny because where I'm from she's like the town beauty queen and is used to the attention so i'm not sure if she is jealous of the attention I'm getting or the other girls hitting on me. Either way the feeling+the looks/compliments I get are awesome. Whats your take on the side chick (PS to all faithfuls I don't have any kids and my girlfriend does so I ain't having no fam with her any time soon Only reason we've been together is because of my family being on her side IE me and #2 running off)


      • #4
        ive had some pretty interesting stories too since ive started getting a nice shape and size on me. I recently hooked up with a girl who said she was never acctracted to guys withmuscles until she met me lol its always nice getting compliments from girls asking to lift my shirt or I had sexy arms I work at a bar too so theres always good looking girls coming in. I broke up with my ex recently we had been dating for 2 years I feel bad about it now but I still wanna have a little fun while im young
        One decision determines your legacy


        • #5
          Well I have to say I think that I have the best women for me!!! We've been together for twenty some years and married for seven years. I couldn't ask for a better women, I know she'll do anything for me. I feel bad some times because she treats me like gold and I my not do the same some times for her, but I love this women to death. The reaper will have to drag me from her, cause that the only way I'll leave her.

          I'm sure she'll have something to say when she see's this. lol
          The Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)

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          Do not mistake my kindness for weakness!


          • #6
            I say let the girl from 9yrs go so she can start moving on and you and number two see were you go, but its never good to let one hang around thinking that she is the one when she clearly isn't. its best for both you and her imo.
            ROLL TIDE ROLL


            • #7
              Good looking out kendo. Who knows maybe I'll find myself in MrBig's position I've just never had only one on the team I've always tried to keep a rotation. Thanks brother


              • #8
                I have had my gf for 2 years, known and wanted her for 6 years before we dated. she is super hot and can keep up with me when im juiced (4 times a day sometimes)


                • #9
                  Ares, you have a keeper, if she can keep up with u on cycle she's a keeper, did you get the girl after you confidence got better cuz your body transformation?
                  ROLL TIDE ROLL


                  • #10
                    I like mrbig have the girl I have always wanted it takes a real special woman to but up with me sometimes. if I never stole her from a friend all them yrs ago who knows were my butt would be at today. and I didn't really still her, she didn't really like him like that, that's what she told him anyway lol.
                    ROLL TIDE ROLL


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hrdcorekendo View Post
                      Ares, you have a keeper, if she can keep up with u on cycle she's a keeper, did you get the girl after you confidence got better cuz your body transformation?
                      Nope, before. Thought the whole idea of steroids is interesting and I even had her pin me once for fun! although I got tren cough that time and she thought she did something wrong haha


                      • #12
                        my girl was going to be a RN till she realized she would have to give shots, so when she sees me pin she runs out its funny
                        ROLL TIDE ROLL


                        • #13
                          hahah, nice man. How long you been lifting?


                          • #14
                            ever since 12th grade, then stopped till about 4yrs ago when I thought I wanted to be 189lbs and ripped,when I got there I didn't like it my wife did, I jest felt small and
                            2D, so the past 2 yrs I started hitting it hard.
                            ROLL TIDE ROLL


                            • #15
                              Last time I was on and single and I was like a crazy dog,one girl in the morning and another one in the evening haha now I have my gf, I work long hours and had my 3 kid 4 months ago, I don't have time too fool around even if I wanted too. That and that most girls around here like skinny soccer boys
                              Size ain't nothin' without strength. Strength ain't nothin' without size

