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Leg swollen from pinning

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  • Leg swollen from pinning

    So I pinned 2cc andromix in my right leg saturday. My leg is a bit swollen and red. It's sore to the touch and a little itchy. I've pinned this leg many times so it's not like my first time. It seemed fine and then the next day it was a bit sore which happens many times, no biggie. It's never actually got red before and usually by now the pain would almost be gone. I know all about pinning so yes I did everything as usual. I'm just wondering what could have happened, how would I know if it was infected or something?

  • #2
    I'm taking Andromix 1.5ml's and when I pin my leg I get the same thing, not the redness but being sore and that comes from the Test Prop. Prop has that effect on some guys, I'm one of them. Have you ever done the two cc's of the Andromix in the leg before? If the redness gets worse though you my have an infection, keep a close eye on it, it could get very bad over night, so watch it closely.
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    • #3
      Watch your temp. If you start to warm up get to a doctor. Not some thing to play games with
      Building my self for a better tomorrow.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MrBig View Post
        I'm taking Andromix 1.5ml's and when I pin my leg I get the same thing, not the redness but being sore and that comes from the Test Prop. Prop has that effect on some guys, I'm one of them. Have you ever done the two cc's of the Andromix in the leg before? If the redness gets worse though you my have an infection, keep a close eye on it, it could get very bad over night, so watch it closely.
        Yeah, usually I do 3cc's total, 1cc of test E and 2cc of Andro. That pin was 4 days ago, no fever or anything. Still a little red and sore though.


        • #5
          Has it gotten any better, this happened to me in Dec. I thought the same thing but I was using test 400 it took a week and a few day for it to go down.
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          • #6
            Originally posted by hrdcorekendo View Post
            Has it gotten any better, this happened to me in Dec. I thought the same thing but I was using test 400 it took a week and a few day for it to go down.
            Yes, it took about 8-9 days before it was as good as new, I just pinned it again today, seemed to go fine.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pauliuch View Post
              Yeah, usually I do 3cc's total, 1cc of test E and 2cc of Andro. That pin was 4 days ago, no fever or anything. Still a little red and sore though.
              You didn't have the sourness, I'm guessing because you mixed it with 1ml. of Test E, witch would dilute the Prop and not have that side. I don't know for sure, but that could be it.
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              • #8
                I have used andromix before and it is some painful stuff man hope you are doing better, but if not you may want to request a blood test called a d-dimer. It was in october that I had been dosing 2ml of andro and I experienced swelling and it turned out to be blood clots. Not to worry you but just to be safe. This can be very dangerous I'm still on blood thinners because of this. Good luck Bro


                • #9
                  im a bitch when it comes to pinning quads! ive passed out like twice lol
                  One decision determines your legacy

