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looking for advice

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  • looking for advice

    I am 27yrs old. I use to work out hard until about a year ago as work and having a kid have made me more tired and i stopped lifting. Im starting to get that mushroom fat around my belly and want to get rid of it and get back in the gym and start putting my muscle back on. I want to take supplements to help me get back in shape faster. I dont want to inject anything so many people have told me that taking anavar tablets about 40g a day to cut the belly fat and winnie tablets to put on muscle. Since ive never taken anything before besides protein i want some advice on what i should do for what in looking for. Im about 5'10 195pounds right now

  • #2
    whats up okc im bigmurph I weigh in at 206 5"10 so were about the same size but you want to cut up no problem what I do is design cycles for people to get them where they want to be.If you just want to lose some weight you can goto cvs or gnc and get some motabilizim boosters and you will drop some pounds but the anavar or winstrol I dont reccommend unless you do it right because if you take either one they will lower your testosterone production plus winny will make you go bald anavar is the much better of the two but still not the way to go.I would get some ephedrine or clenbuterol or if your worried about the side effects from those you could take ventolin which is albueterol thats what I think would be your best choice from what I read in your question because it will give you energy and drop pounds off of you and if you start lifting again it helps with gaining muscle unlike the other compounds that just help you lose weight.If you need to know anymore or have any other questions just send me a private message and we will talk.also you can check out my web site and see if there are any products or ideas that you like any questions hit me up i'm here to help.
    By the way my web site is in my signature geared up strength dot webs dot com /


    • #3
      Ok guys I'm a first time user. I have been working out for a year now and ate like a horse,but I cant make any gains at all. I weigh 140 pounds and im 5'10. My goal is to reach 180 pounds. From all the research of done I'm leaning towards a combination of primo and test C, From what ive read that combination seems to be the best for me but like i said im a first time user so I know I could easily be wrong thats why im here to ask for yalls advice. Maybe even just primo itself or test cyp by itself. Anyway guys I would really appreciate yalls expert advice to help me reach my goal safely and effectively. Thanks


      • #4
        First SF, you don't need steroids at this point. You weigh 140lbs at 5'10" there's know way your eating enough and AAS will not help if you're not taking in enough calories, you haven't reached your potential naturally. You should be doing 3000-4000 calories a day and training your ass off, you can do this on your own. I once was 135lbs at 5'9" and thought that I was eating enough too, but as I started to learn my body I realized I wasn't even close to eating enough. With me, I have to force feed when I eat, which means when I look at my meal and know I have to take another bite, I almost throw up just thinking about it while I'm eating.
        You need to calculate what your diet is now and adjust to work for you. I made a calorie count in Microsoft excel with the foods I eat and I can calculate one meal or the whole days meals in no time. This really is a must if your serious about doing this the right way.

        Next time, don't hi-jack someones thread start your own brother, also you should go to the introduction section and introduce yourself.
        Senior Member
        Last edited by MrBig; 03-19-2013, 04:03 PM.
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