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Umbilical Hernia

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  • Umbilical Hernia

    Doing shoulders last night and felt a weird deal in my stomach and immediately felt a lump in my belly button. Went to quick care and they said I have a hernia. They didn't think it was too bad, but I've developed some pretty good pressure and pain overnight,mso I'm waiting to get in to my doctor.

    How long am I looking at being out boys? Gotta say, I'm extremely depressed

  • #2
    I've had a hernia for almost three years now lol. Mine doesn't effect my lifting at all so I'm pretty lucky there. I think normal downtime (off your feet) is ~2 weeks and you'll probably want to stay out of the gym for 4 weeks or so.


    • #3
      Turns out I have an abdominal tear, so I do need surgery. Fortunately I'm off cycle, and my next one is lined up for right around the time Ill be recovered.


      • #4
        I would thinking being on cycle would help speed up the recovery process honestly. Sucks that you have to go under the knife though. Hope everything goes well bro!


        • #5
          I saw a program on the Nat Geo channel about a new technique that grows new tissue. It is called extra cellular matrix. It is made from a pig bladder and they scrape all the pigs cells off and you are left with the extra cellular matrix. Your own stem cells are spread on the matrix and it is sewed on the damaged body part and new tissue grows, your own. They showed a man with cancer of the thorax and a large part had to be removed and the matrix was sewn in and he grew a new part of his thorax. I am waiting for them to develop one for the abdominal area that tears in a hernia. It would be a lot better than sewing that plastic mesh in. Because from what I have read, if you continue to train, it has a tendency to tear loose.

