This is from some interview from whenever
Q: So did you ever use steroids to build yourself up?
A: In 1987, when I was making Rambo III, I used to take an amino acid that’s nearly as strong as steroids. It’s about 15 times more powerful than the typical amino acid, but give none of the raw rage – the anger – that comes with steroids. All steroids do is make you a cumbersome, apelike goon.
Q: So did you ever use steroids to build yourself up?
A: In 1987, when I was making Rambo III, I used to take an amino acid that’s nearly as strong as steroids. It’s about 15 times more powerful than the typical amino acid, but give none of the raw rage – the anger – that comes with steroids. All steroids do is make you a cumbersome, apelike goon.