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Anyone else look terrible on photos?

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  • Anyone else look terrible on photos?

    I took some pics today and started freaking out when I saw myself. I look like I lost 20lbs of muscle and gained 20lbs of fat. I look nothing like the photos irl and I've also been told that by a few people, so it's not my imagination. It really sucks tho, I can't send pics to girls hehe. Anyone else like this? Why the fuck is it happening?

    The only good thing I find is if I decide to compete, when people see me on photos they'll think I'm no competition to them, but when I step on stage it'll be a nice surprise

    Oh and I look bigger when I was 20lbs lighter (on my cut). I'm on a slight bulk now, but I haven't gained much fat if any at all. Could it be the water retention messing up the lighting or something? I look like total shit on photos and it's demotivating me.

  • #2
    If your bulking bro, remember your not going to look as good. Water retention and added fat can mess your look up. As you can see in my avatar, I went from 180lbs 7% b-fat to 215lbs at 12% b-fat. When your trying to put on as much size as you can its hard to 'stay looking good.
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    • #3
      Cell tech. How mich do you weight and what is a slight bulk cycle


      • #4
        pictures dont lie! your tiny....just joking. lol. maybe its your lighting??
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        • #5
          @ MrBig: I think you look better now (no homo). The thing annoying the hell out of me is that I see myself in the mirror not only bigger, but almost as lean as before, so I don't know why it happens like that on camera. I think the more cut you are the better you look on photos (you may look even bigger although you are actually smaller). I think someone mentioned a "3d effect".

          @Big L: I'm 6'1 about 233lbs right now. Probably 15-16% bf not sure how much exactly.

          A slight bulk cycle I mean only a little calorie surplus, not something huge. Right now I'm consuming about 3500 cals or less (around 280g protein and I don't measure the rest when I bulk). That's all I need to bulk because besides my workouts I don't do anything physically demanding right now. If I eat more I just get fatter.

          @sam1976: That's what I thought but it's not only that! The cam makes my body appear small/tiny and my head looks as big as the moon. I'm dead fuking serious, it may sound funny and it kind of is lol. I look like a fucking freak on camera, especially on frontal shots.

          I updated my avatar with a recent pic.


          • #6
            I think it is the flash on your camera along with being alittle pale. Or thats what the picture shows
            But tje good thing is the picture makes ur back look wide which is good


            • #7
              Originally posted by Big L View Post
              I think it is the flash on your camera along with being alittle pale. Or thats what the picture shows
              But tje good thing is the picture makes ur back look wide which is good

              I agree with Big L, you look fuckin huge from the back. Can you put a pic up of a front view and just cover your face?
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              • #8
                @Big L: No flash, but I am quite pale lol.

                @MrBig: Thanks man. Back is probably my strongest bodypart tho. My front is so bad I don't even take pics of it. I'll take a pic next time I'm at the gym. Be prepared to see a different person (skinny fat). I feel embarrassed just thinking about it, but I'll do it.


                • #9
                  I remember seeing my 1st photo during my 1st cycle. I was shocked how fat i looked! yes i was bulking on test.


                  • #10
                    I always look worse in pictures. Probably just lighting/shitty camera for the most part haha. Hard to pic up graininess and shit on the camera without longer exposure times and shit.


                    • #11
                      I know you might feel embarrassed but so is pretty much everyone. But the good thing about this website is that most are here to help and i truly believe the only way to see progress is threw pictures. Cause mirrors lie (lol) atleast to me
                      And if some of the senior guys see your pic they can help you in your specific areas that might need some work they might have a couple speacial workouts for certain body parts. Goodluck man


                      • #12
                        @Big L: Yeah man, after all we have to start improving from somewhere.. If I'm not taking pics I'm just denying myself the truth, even if I look worse on them than irl.

                        As promised.

                        These 2 are after I woke up:

                        And these are after I did legs & shoulders:

                        Last edited by CellTech; 02-07-2013, 07:43 PM.


                        • #13

                          This is my first time ever posting front shots.

                          Just be honest please. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

                          And what do you think my bf % is?
                          Last edited by CellTech; 02-07-2013, 07:39 PM.


                          • #14
                            CT, ya don't look as bad as you lead us to believe. The thing is you see your self like that, but I don't. I think you look pretty good, if I had to guess your b-fat and I think your in your twenties so I would say your more around 16-18% b-fat. has the caliper's for like $15.00. I purchased a pair myself, there the same ones that most of the gyms use, pretty accurate. I think you said you where on a bulk cycle, so to me you look fine. I looked at your traps, shoulders, chest, arms even your abs, all look good, it's just you'll need to do a cut cycle or try to cut the fat with out gear and you'll be ready for summer, thats your choice. To me, your not as bad as you think!!!

                            Just bein honest
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                            • #15
                              @MrBig: You guessed right, I'll be 21 soon. I know I'm fat by bodybuilding standards, but I just don't feel big enough for a cut. I have done a few cuts before, but nothing major because I start seeing myself as getting skinny/wimpy. Maybe it's because I always used to be very skinny as a kid.

