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GP clen vs AR-R liquid clen?

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  • GP clen vs AR-R liquid clen?

    Im just wondering if there is really a difference. i took the AR-R stuff back a year and a 1/2 ago and could personally say that it worked good. but,being a welder and the HOLY F*CKING SH*T shakes that came with it,made it hard to get good welds done. i lost about 7lbs a week and cycled 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.

    any real difference in every way between the two?
    Senior Member
    Last edited by sam1976; 01-09-2013, 12:27 AM.

  • #2
    I mean, ive still not done a cycle yet of test,anyway. im planing on getting back to the size i was when i was 19 or so.maybe bigger(if possible). ive got killer genetics,so ive managed to get just a tad over 20" arms while being pretty lean.just eating good and clean. after i get back to that size,or as close as possible,im gonna run my first cycle. cause at least ill know i hit my absolute highest growth, before i start. i really wouldnt mind getting to a lean and well balance 250-60lbs @5'11". by lean,i mean,id love to see at least 4 abs plainly all year round and go from there for contest prep. i have a taller torso than legs,so maybe that helps. cause,the way i see it,the shorter they are,the easier it should be to fill them out how i want them. im talkin dorian yates/ronnie coleman
    yes sam i will be doing the cycle,come time for it,that you and other suggested.;-)


    • #3
      the main drawback to research grade products is consistency. often times, these labs are up and down. some of these places are run out of someone's basement. GP has a lot more quality control in place.

      oh and btw, keep in mind for the future, you may not get as dramatic of side effects, no matter what company you use. i dont get shakes from clen anymore at all. just because you arent feeling a side effect doesnt mean it isnt still doing its job!
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      • #4
        ohh yeah...i just didnt know if what i took was a lesser version of the "real deal" or not. one of the main few sides i had with the liquid is the shakes,elevated BP,and the night sweats didnt stop till almost a fulll year after i stoped taking the i really need t ocycle on and off every 2 weeks? cause every where i look says i do. just figured id ask a pro.

