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excuses not to train?

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  • excuses not to train?

    here are some solutions
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  • #2
    Good one Same lol,,,


    • #3
      there is one in there that i understand to a point. My wife,after some dumb ass shit she managed to do,decided that since im not able to go to the gym anymore,it would be a good time to start bitching about me going to the gym. hell,if i mention a gym,i get an eye roll and a scoff. say anything about Mr.olympia,she makes it out like im gay.
      "...are you serious? your looking at dudes in speedo's? startin to worry about you." ive been working out since i was 15 and was looking at BB'ing since before i even met her.
      she actually confessed that the whole reason she hates me going to the gym is because,quote,"jealous of my drive and commitment" to it.
      ive already told her...she can kiss my ass. i did it before you came into my life and ill keep doing it till i die. resepct me and my hobbies and i wont say you a cow and tell you that you should consider loosing a few pounds,when you ask me if the jeans make you look fat.


      • #4
        I wanna get back in shape too,but I m too lazy,any advice with that how u overcome your laziness,and I came across this ebook that maybe can help me out,Heard of it only good things .Or do u know of such pdf format that can help with some training program.


        • #5
          When will women ever learn that if we arent happy with ourselves how the heck can we make them happy
          The biggest bullcrap line i ever heard is happy wife happy life bullcrap

