About 3 weeks into my cycle I started getting Gyno even when taking .5 Adex eod. It is definitely gyno...hard, sore lumps behind both nipples. So I started letro, and I'm currently taking 2.5g ed but it seems like it isn't doing anything for me. All I'm taking is 500 test E a week. I would question whether the letro is even legit, except my joints are so dry I can feel my knees crack every time I walk. Unfortunately i didn't get the letro from naps when I ordered everything originally, so I had to get it from a ugl so it didn't take 3-4 weeks to arrive. I'm currently on week 7 of my cycle and I've been taking letro for 3 weeks now and haven't seen any noticeable difference, and my nipples are still sore. I'm fairly certain that 2.5mg is more than enough, and upping it wouldn't do any good. I don't see any point in taking a SERM like nolvadex since there shouldn't be any estrogen in my body anyway. Anyone else have any thoughs?
Oh ya, I'm 27, 155 lbs, 5'4" and about 8% bf.
Oh ya, I'm 27, 155 lbs, 5'4" and about 8% bf.