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Side free stack?

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  • Side free stack?

    NAPs has this side free stack on on their site (cut and paste)

    Items Included:

    40 Primobolan Depot
    6 GP Oxan


    Weeks 1-10: 400mg Primobolan per week. 2x per week. ( Ex: Sun & Wed)
    Weeks 1-10: 40mgs GP Oxan per day

    A cycle for those looking for quality gains without bloat or other unwanted side effects. Primobolan is considered by many to be the “perfect” steroid for solid gains without bloat or harsh natural testosterone suppression. GP Oxan (Anavar) is often looked at as the oral equal for such results. This is a great cycle for those looking to maintain an aesthetic athletic looking for physique. Perfect for those who compete in sports. Users of this cycle can expect to make slow steady gains in both muscle mass and strength. Users are encouraged to keep protein and amino acid intake high in order to take full advantage of the superior nitrogen retention and recovery provided by Primobolan.

    With a stack that is side free is there a need for PCT?

    Sorry if this a dumb question but I am new to the gear world.


  • #2
    i would add some test to it and yes run a mild pct to be on the safe side always run some test because the compounds are going to shut you will feel depresed and lethargic so add some test prop c or e atleast 250 a wk.


    • #3
      I just want to point out that the "side free" title is misleading. No drug is side-free. Not to mention that those aren't used for their real purpose so you're adding possible side effects to the list. So if you're consider this cycle solely based on the assumption that there will be no sides then you're mistaken... might as well try a beginner cycle.
      Ain't no use in lookin' down
      Ain't no discharge on the ground
      Ain't no use in lookin' back
      'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
      Ain't no use in feelin' blue
      'Cause Jody's got your lady too


      • #4
        Thanks guys!

