Just curious to anyone who is doing HRT. What type of dose are you guys doing? I was thinking .5ml per week which would be 125mg a week. Not sure I am ready for this at 48 but thinking about it.
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HRT Dose
Hey brother, I'm 49 and been on hrt for four years now. I use Testim, it's a gel and I use two tubes a day. Two tubes are 100mg'sThe Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)
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The question is are you ready for more energy. For either working around the house or for work in the bedroom Its like giving yourself a chance to feel younger But my dose is 1.5 every 7 days is what the prescription says. If you have a chance to get a script do it your doctor will make it safe for ya
I'm on HRT @ 42. I'm prescribed 1cc 200 mg ew of test cyp. That puts me @ about 600 on my bloods.
It's a life changer. It nice to see the body transform and women checking me out again. I LOVE IT!!
As far as a cycle, it depends how your body takes it in. When The doc had me testing and tweaking the dosage, I would be low at 100 on bloods with 1 cc e3w. Doc upped it to 1cc ew and found the sweet spot. It just depends on how your body tolerates it and gets rid of it. At least that's been my experience.Last edited by spark1597; 10-18-2012, 12:14 AM.
The Testim only last in your system for one day, thats why I have to apply it everyday. It is a pain in the ass though, your clothes stick to it.The Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)
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Well, go figure I told my doc I hate needles, thats the only reason. Yet I do gearThe Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)
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My doc gave me the choice of gel or cyp. I did quite a bit of homework and decided on the injects. Glad I did.
Yeah Big L, me too. I did blood work for like 3 months, every week. The last time I went, doc said he wanted my bloods every 6 weeks. That was 12 weeks ago lol. My levels were steady @ 500-650. I'm not gonna keep going back every 6 weeks for bloods. I guess doc thinks I make as much as he does.
I'm not ready for labs yet. I'm coming off a cycle and need to get the long ester cyp out of my system by crutching the test with prop. Then I'll go do labs. Don't want to be too high. Then HRT dose for the next 12 weeks.
Last edited by spark1597; 10-18-2012, 05:54 AM.