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  • #16
    I use this app on my phone, MyFitnessPal, it calculates your entire day of meals for you. All you have to do is just input what your eating and it gives you every available choice by company. So at the end of the day you can see exactly the amounts of calories, protein, fats etc. per day your eating.


    • #17
      Originally posted by bigmurph View Post
      when eating eggs does the protein come from the white or youlk I always thought it was the yolk can someone let me know cause I would love to cut back on eating so much yolk I love egg whites.
      It's from the whites. Thats why you can go heavy on the white to yolk ratio / six whites to one yolk, or something like that.

      One large egg white has 16 calories which come from 4 grams of protein. Pretty awesome.


      • #18
        thanks for the site timguiness im going to check it out I need to get my diet right before I run another cycle I want to make sure I get the best resaults for my money this time not just get bigger Im definetly taking this cycle alot more serious then the prvious 4.So once again I apreciate all the help from you fellas.


        • #19
          I'm glad my post has helped you out bigmurph.

