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GYNO sides

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  • GYNO sides

    GYNO sides - anyone have them?? sore nips to be exact - and how long is too long to have them not go away evem on arimidex???

  • #2
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    • #3
      found this???? i dont know enough to know if it is bullshit???? - anyone???
      from beginning to end......
      1-puffy/sore nips
      4-leaky fluid/ prolactin build up
      5-" BITCH TITS" (tetas,nockers,mellon,breastestsess,lol oh fuck it let me at em; let me at em; I wanna suck em; lol)
      6- gyno surgery(ooppss to late)

      Great News......
      Their is great news even at this stage as I personally have seen gyno induced individual in the sport that have had a full reversal form not adex/novy/or and other AI OR SERM; but simple vitamin B-6<<< The most effective way to treat it, is with a slin pin by injecting right into the area having gyno. I know it sounds crazy; but it is a fact as i have 4-male clients who are doctors that have performed gyno surgery to clients and thats only after the extreme ones entered his office.

      Listen if you are a kid who have fought this all your life and maybe carry fat in that area despite the fact that you are lean everywhere else. Then this may not benefit you and surgery is the only option. Now I WILL SAY FOR THOSE UNFORTUNATE ONES YOU CAN STILL IN FACT AFTER SURGERY TAKE b-6 TO AID IN THE REDUCTION OR ILLIMINATION OR REOCCURRENCE OF GYNO. Remember B-6 doesn't stop prolactin related gyno.It just aids in reducing prolactin levels which is beneficially as this is exactly what most of us needs before gyno sets in.

      200-300mg/day for prevention

      600-900mg/day for actual symptoms

      Sure, Dostinex or Bromo are better in how they work, but they also come with some nasty sides and are very expensive. B6 is cheap and effective in a lot of cases, and therefore always my first choice or recommendation. The bottom line here guys are Personally, I do recommend that somebody has Dostinex or Bromo available prior to trying out a steroid that is a progestin. If B6 works, then great. But for some guys, it doesn't work. I want to at least give them fair warning. Letro attacks the gyno from the estrogen side of the equation, but I feel that is it easier to attack prolactin gyno by solving the progestin/prolactin problem.

      And folks again I say it as I beg you too think and consider this info. I just thought you should know.

      Deca is a progestin. Progestin's stimulate prolactin. Prolactin stimulates gyno and lactation.

      you're probably fine. But if you do start to lactate, then vitamin B6 might be the easy fix. Start out at 600-800mg/day until symptoms subside and then decrease to 200mg/day. But vitamin B6 doesn't work for everyone. Bromo and Dostinex lower prolactin, but they come with side effects are are certainly more difficult to get. In the USA, they are prescription only medications that aren't currently available from research companies.

      Guys I really hope this helps alot and if their are any other questions feel free to ask the more experienced member or myself and we will help as we can. We cant always promise you that we will have the answers but rember their are not lot of studies out their about men lactating or studies where men taking certain compounds when being gyno prone; so until then we will have to help one another out and do what we have to. U.R

