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Mountain biker wants to get leaner, faster, and recover from workouts more quickly.

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  • Mountain biker wants to get leaner, faster, and recover from workouts more quickly.

    40 years old.
    I like the testosterone make me feel and how it makes me look.
    I've injected a weekly dosage of Testosterone Cyponiate. 1 ml.

    At this point, I want to accomplish the following:

    -get lean, lean, lean.
    -get strong(increase power)
    -not retain water
    -recover more quickly and be able to train more intensely


    A stack?
    Length of cycle?

  • #2
    i'd stick with test bro. i'm guessing test cyp was the only thing you've used? just a low dose, 1ml per wk with adex around .5mg 2x wk will give you good recovery, added strength and not make you hold a lot of extra fluid. maybe go with test e this time around. as far as getting lean, steroids dont make you lean. they help you build and retain muscle. getting lean is going to come from your diet and cardio. using test on top of a great diet and cardio plan will allow you to push that much further with less risk of muscle loss, but steroids arent gonna get you shredded. the diet will

    at your age, you qualify for hrt. you should consider going to your MD and getting labs done. if you prefer to go the cycle route be sure to set yourself up with a good PCT. remember, the older we get, the harder it can be to recover
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    • #3
      As a soon to be 40yo who has been doing AAS for 6 years, i would strongly suggest any form of test (I prefer fast acting Propinate but test is test regardless of your esther), 300-500mg/week and if you have the $$, invest in some HGH for a good 6 mos..2-4iu a day while on test got me in the best shape of my life (diet and cardio were major factors but sounds like you have cardio covered). Ive cycled almost everything and those two working in unicen seemed to be an amazing, get strong, look good, drop bodyfat, feel great combination. I had knee and shoulder issues from lifting heavy on various AAS cycles, but the HGH/Prop cycle did wonders for me on recovery.


      • #4
        Originally posted by sam1976 View Post
        i'd stick with test bro. i'm guessing test cyp was the only thing you've used? just a low dose, 1ml per wk with adex around .5mg 2x wk will give you good recovery, added strength and not make you hold a lot of extra fluid. maybe go with test e this time around. as far as getting lean, steroids dont make you lean. they help you build and retain muscle. getting lean is going to come from your diet and cardio. using test on top of a great diet and cardio plan will allow you to push that much further with less risk of muscle loss, but steroids arent gonna get you shredded. the diet will

        at your age, you qualify for hrt. you should consider going to your MD and getting labs done. if you pref

        er to go the cycle route be sure to set yourself up with a good PCT. remember, the older we get, the harder it can be to recover
        Thanks!!! Great feedback.


        • #5
          Thank you, too. Excellent.


          • #6
            Originally posted by sam1976 View Post
            i'd stick with test bro. i'm guessing test cyp was the only thing you've used? just a low dose, 1ml per wk with adex around .5mg 2x wk will give you good recovery, added strength and not make you hold a lot of extra fluid. maybe go with test e this time around. as far as getting lean, steroids dont make you lean. they help you build and retain muscle. getting lean is going to come from your diet and cardio. using test on top of a great diet and cardio plan will allow you to push that much further with less risk of muscle loss, but steroids arent gonna get you shredded. the diet will

            at your age, you qualify for hrt. you should consider going to your MD and getting labs done. if you prefer to go the cycle route be sure to set yourself up with a good PCT. remember, the older we get, the harder it can be to recover

            Thoughts on this stack?



            • #7
              What Sam said is right on the money. Steroids dont make anything happen it just helps you to get to that goal faster. But that being said you could add a mild oral such as Anavar and also look into EQ, which has a great effect on vascularity and cardio. If your diet and training are in check then that should be a wonderful stack and one that I am currently waiting to run. I would be careful on the amount of adex u use tho, use the smallest amount possible to prevent from "drying" up too much. I am also a part time cyclist but i ride a hybrid bike on mainly paved trails and street and sometimes dirt trails, and I know dried up joints would suck!

